
The Education Policy for All podcast brings together policy education, research insights, and open discussions relating to education policy developments with academic researchers from the University of Glasgow and beyond to discuss their latest findings, and how these can be used to improve education policy and practice.  

We have designed the podcast to make education policy research available to educators and the wider education community in a non-academic format. Each episode offers 30-to-45-minute discussions of topics in education policy to engage with anyone interested in education such as schoolteachers or education policymakers. 

The series is hosted by Dustin Hosseini, a Learning Innovation Officer within the University’s Learning Innovation Support Unit and a part-time student pursuing a Doctorate in Education at the UofG School of Education; Dustin’s academic interests include academic, media and critical literacies and decolonizing education. And Lindsay Nygren, a postgraduate researcher, at the University of Glasgow and her interests lie in international student inclusivity and employability. They are joined by members of staff from the University of Glasgow and beyond to discuss their research projects and developments as well as keynote seminars taking place at the school.