We are pleased to announce a new project 'Employability in programme development (EPD): Establishing a labour market to higher education feedback loop drawing on local labour market intelligence', which seeks to establish a feedback loop from the labour market to HEIs in order inform programme and course design to best support the employability of future graduates.

It is funded by the European Commission from 2021-2023 under the Erasmus+ programme with a grant of €433,771, and led by CR&DALL core member and ELP RTG leader, Dr Kristinn Hermannsson. 

The project consortium is made up of five participating organisations. Four of these are HEIs, which provide complementary academic and administrative expertise drawn from four distinct higher education systems: England (University of Reading), Scotland (University of Glasgow), Spain (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Belgium (Brussels Free University).

We also collaborate with the Catalan Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (AQU), which brings to the consortium expertise in graduate outcome surveys and access to institutional networks across Europe. Further information can be found at this link.

First published: 22 April 2021

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