School of Education Committees & Meetings

There are a number of meetings held within the school. 

Key Monthly Meetings

School of Education Committees

School Leadership Team

Remit Membership Convenor Clerk Frequency Reports to

Management of resources and strategic planning, oversight and governance.

Members of staff with senior research, teaching and internationalisation roles within the School of Education Head of School (HoS) Eleanor Rae


1st Wednesady of each month 9:30-11

CMG and Head of College (HoC)

Research Committee

Remit Membership Convener Clerk Frequency Reports to
To ensure that research activity in the School meets the research KPIs in the College Research Strategy. To facilitate increased research income and quality.

Director PGR

Publications Lead

Impact Lead

Directors, Research Centres

RTG Leaders

Co-opted Members as required

Director of Research

(Prof Simon McGrath)

Susan White


(see monthly meetings schedule for details)

School Leadership Team and Head of School (HoS)

School Council

Remit Membership Convener Clerk Frequency Reports to
Informs, communicates and consults with staff about current and future developments within the School and University All staff within the School of Education Chair, School Council



Quarterly  3rd Wednesday of the month:

October, December, March and June.

[2 additional meetings held in reserve if needed]

School Leadership Team and Head of School (HoS)

Post Graduate Taught (PGT) Learning & Teaching Committee

Remit Membership Convener Clerk Frequency Reports to
To consider matters relating to Postgraduate Taught learning and teaching. The committee will discuss, advise and make recommendations to the Head of School and School Executive on issues relating to postgraduate taught learning and teaching development, regulation and responsibilities PGT Programme Leaders, Director of PGT, HoPS or nominee, Internationalisation Lead, Assessment Officer, PGT Programmes Manager, Student Support Officer 

Director PGT

(Dr Ines Alves)

Ania Doswell


1st Wednesday of each month, 13:30-15:00

Head of School and School Executive

Board of Catholic Education

Remit Membership Convener Clerk Frequency Reports to
Advisory Committee of Court comprised of Church and University representatives for oversight of School mission to Catholic Education

As per University Court Resolution No.677.  Includes Vice-Principal and Head of College, Head of School of Education and others members from within the School and Catholic Church.

Joint Conveners: one nominated by the School of Education and another nominated by the Bishops Conference. (Currently Professor Sara Carter & Bishop John Keenan) Susan White 3 times per year (see monthly meetings schedule for details) Through the School of Education to the University Court

Undergraduate & Initial Teacher Education (UG/ITE) Learning and Teaching Committee

Remit Membership Convener Clerk Frequency Reports to

Oversight and quality enhancement of learning and teaching at Undergraduate and Initial Teacher Education levels.

All Programme Leaders of UG, School’s Quality Assurance Officer, Director of PGT, School Erasmus Co-ordinator

Director UG/ITE

Dr Jennifer Farrar

Joanne McIntyre

1st Wednesday of each month.


School Leadership Team, Head of School,College Learning and Teaching Committee, University Learning and Teaching Committee

College and University Committees/Meetings

College Council

Remit  Membership Convener/Clerk  Reports to

Informs, communicates and consults with staff about current and future developments within the College and University.

All staff within the College of Social Sciences 

Current details


Council of Senate

Remit Membership Convener/Clerk Reports to

Representative cross-section of members of Senate for deliberation and discussion of all matters relating to good governance of the University.

Combination of appointed and elected senior staff from across Colleges and Institutes.

Current details

SMG and University Court

External Committees/Meetings

Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE)

Remit Membership Convener Frequency Reports to

A sub-committee of Universities Scotland collaborating and co-ordinating all of the work of teacher education in accordance with government and University objectives.

Deans of Schools of Education

Current chair details

5 times per year

Universities Scotland