Dr Lynn Whitaker is meeting with the Competition and Markets Authority in October to discuss her Carnegie-funded research on children's 'in-app purchasing'. Dr Whitaker has presented this research at several events recently including the Children's Media Conference, Sheffield, and JMComm 2014, Singapore.  She has also been awarded a travel bursary to attend the AHRC games research network, 'Creative Territories',  at the University of West of England, Bristol, in November.

From her other research strand, Lynn has been an invited speaker at several high profile events on the issue of broadcasting in Scotland.  She was a panellist at the Scottish Parliament's Festival of Politics and a contributor to the RSA's 'Visions, Irrespective' event. She is contributing, via the RSA Fellows’ Media, Creative Industries, Culture & Heritage Network, to a response to the Smith Commission on Devolution. In her role of VLV trustee, and with the support of VLV, RSA, CCPR and SMCA, Lynn is helping to organise a conference on the future of Scottish broadcasting, planned for Spring 2015.

First published: 23 October 2014