Professor John McMurray, Professor Naveed Sattar, Professor Pardeep Jhund

Professor Pardeep S. Jhund has been added to the Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers list for 2024. This was announced on the 21st of November. They join fellow SCMH researchers Prof John McMurray and Prof Naveed Sattar who have been on the list every year since 2014. Prof John Cleland has also been on this list since 2020.  

There are 6886 researchers on the list globally from over 307 institutions and 59 countries, 18 of which come from Glasgow.  

Congratulations to Professors Pardeep Jhund, John McMurray, Naveed Sattar and John Cleland for all being names in this years list.  

First published: 18 December 2024

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