Image of professor Christian Delles

A message from Professor Christian Delles

"I would like to thank you all your contributions to the MVLS 2025 consultations. This has been an incredibly helpful exercise and I can assure you that every single comment has been read and shared (in anonymised form) across College Management.

I am aware that there are some uncertainties about the planned restructuring process and whilst feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, some of your comments identified areas that require further thought. Your feedback has been invaluable.

As you will have heard from Iain, the first step is to get the structure right. This involves some reorganisation of the current Schools; Court approval will be sought in November. I assume that we won't see many direct changes in the coming weeks and that specific action will take place in the new year. I can assure you that SCMH is in a very strong position and I honestly do not expect any dramatic changes. We will, however, have to review our teaching portfolio and there will be exciting opportunities to align any additional teaching tasks with our existing research and teaching activities. I am also aware of activities that will bring some of our best research together in the form of Centres and would like to thank all involved colleagues for their hard work to further develop our key areas of strength.

The formal consultation process has come to an end but if you have any further ideas please do not hesitate to approach me directly and I will pass your thoughts on to College. I will need your help again when it comes to any specific changes after Court approval and the input that I received from many of you in recent weeks has already been well received.

On that note, we are still trying to confirm the date of the next townhall meeting with Iain. Apologies that this is taking so long."

First published: 26 October 2021