After finishing my undergraduate and masters studies at the University of Glasgow, I knew I wanted to continue my studies in Glasgow and the BHF PhD course has turned out to be the perfect choice! The MRes year is very busy and full on but it allows you to work in different lab groups on a wide variety of projects, and I have thoroughly enjoyed the year. Don’t be afraid to pick a project that is out with your comfort zone as you may end up finding a new area of science that you love! I chose three very different rotational projects (one was biochemistry based, one was mainly data analysis and one was in vivo) and would recommend doing the same so you can find out what you enjoy and most importantly what you don’t enjoy. For my three rotations I worked with Professor Will Fuller, Dr Rachel Myles and Dr Eilidh MacDonald/Professor Chris Loughrey and I would like to thank all PIs and members of their lab groups for all their help throughout my rotations. I would also like to thank Ruth Bennet and Blair Anderson for all their administrative help this year.

First published: 26 August 2024