We would like to welcome Dr Craig Lygate to SCMH.

"My name is Craig Lygate and I started in July as a Reader in Myocardial Biology. This is a return home to Glasgow, having completed my PhD here 24 years ago! I left with a young family for my first post-doc position in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Oxford, where I stayed and progressed to Associate Professor with my own BHF-funded research group. My primary research interest is in cardiac energetics, in particular, regulation of the creatine kinase system, which is important in maintaining cellular ATP levels. I am also trying to understand how the little-known metabolite, homoarginine, alters cardiac function to modify outcomes in heart failure and I’ve recently developed a side interest in graphene nanoparticles as drug-delivery platforms. My first job is to meet new colleagues and grow my research group, so I’m hoping to meet as many of you as a I can over the coming months - please do stop me and say hello. I am also looking forward to getting back on the Scottish hills, riding my bicycle in the rain, and making the most of the lively Glasgow music scene."

We look forward to working with you. 

First published: 8 August 2024