Published: 8 September 2021

We are conducting a research study at the University of Glasgow titled: Vitamin K2 and Recovery from Exercise (TAKEOVER study).

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We are conducting a research study at the University of Glasgow titled: Vitamin K2 and Recovery from Exercise (TAKEOVER study).

The study aims to investigate the effects of vitamin K supplementation on the response to muscle damaging exercise in young and older adults. We hope to add to the scientific literature on vitamin K as a supplement and it’s physiological role in the body. We are currently recruiting volunteers to participate in the study – males and females aged 18-40 years and 65 years+, not resistance exercise trained.

In brief, participants will be screened against an eligibility criteria at an initial visit then issued with a wrist-worn accelerometer to wear for 7 days (to determine habitual activity levels). Participants will then be asked to come in to the Human Performance Labs for 4 mornings in a row for baseline tests. Then be provided with a supplement (either vitamin K or a placebo) to take for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, we will ask participants to come in for 4 mornings to repeat the baseline tests. Therefore, availability 12 weeks after the initial baseline tests is required.

PPE will be provided and correct procedures followed with regards to COVID-19.

As a thank you for participation and to compensate for any travel costs etc, participants will receive a £50 Amazon voucher.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact Dr Hannah Lithgow by email: Hannah.lithgow@glasgow.ac.uk.


First published: 8 September 2021