Image of Eleanor Graduating

Eleanor Dickson-Murray gives a view on her first year of the BHF 4-year PhD Scheme.

'This past year on the MRes part of the BHF 4-year PhD scheme has flown by and I have loved it. Completing three different rotations comprising of a data analysis heavy project, an in vitro project and an in vivo project have allowed me to experience a wide variety of lab techniques and learn about what type of lab work I enjoy. Additionally, working between three different lab groups this year means that I have met different people from across the School, which has been both helpful and interesting as a first year. I would like to thank Dr Rachel Myles, Professor Will Fuller, Professor Tom Van Agtmael and all members of their lab groups for their help throughout my rotations. Thank you as well to Ruth Bennet for all her help with the administration this year.'

First published: 18 August 2022