Medical Aid Donation

We have managed to  donate some equipment to a NGO called Medical Aid International, which supports Healthcare In Low Resource Environments.  MedAid procure, recycle, repair and donate equipment to Low Middle Income countries.  We had identified some equipment (Siemens Accuson Aspen ultrasound, a crashcart and a MAC1200 ST ECG analysis system) that was stored in various risers and cupboards within our building. We tried to find new homes for these pieces of equipment, within the University, but since none of the equipment identified had been maintained or serviced over the period of them being stored, they were deemed cost ineffective to get back up to a working standard.

Originally we contacted the original suppliers to ask if they had recycling programmes, but none were available. We then identified other recycling companies that would recycle the equipment, only to discover that there was a cost and that all equipment was essentially going into landfill. The donated systems were old, for example the donated ultrasound had a Video Recorder for recording scans and a crash cart full of supplies that had expired in 2015.

Medical Aid International was eventually identified as an NGO that could recycle and reuse this equipment. We have been informed that the ultrasound equipment will be going to Uganda once it has been serviced and repaired by their own team of  biomedical engineers.  MedAid has a list of equipment that they will be happy to accept which includes something as simple as sheets, blankets and lead vests to something more substantial such as Defibrillator or Blood pressure monitoring equipment.

First published: 16 February 2022