SCMH team wins 1st place for the Potchen-Passariello

Published: 22 September 2021

Congratulations to SCMH team who wins 1st place for the Potchen-Passariello (Clinical Science Stream) Award at the Society for Magnetic Resonance Angiography (SMRA) conference 2021.

Image of Matthew Lee

Dr Matthew Lee, on behalf of the SCMH team at the University of Glasgow, won 1st place for the Potchen-Passariello (Clinical Science Stream) Award, for the oral presentation entitled ‘Assessing the mechanism of action of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibition using quantitative interleaved cardio-renal MRI: pre-treatment findings in SUGAR-DM-HF study’ on Friday 10th September 2021, at the Society for Magnetic Resonance Angiography (SMRA) 33rd annual international conference 2021 (virtual meeting / Beijing). This international conference was presided by Professor Giles Roditi (Honorary Professor at SCMH). 

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First published: 22 September 2021