Discussion paper series archive
2018-01 'Debt Sustainability and Welfare along an Optimal Laffer Curve' by Xiaoshan Chen, Campbell Leith and Matta Ricci
2018-02 'Should the ECB coordinate EMU fiscal policies?' by Tatiana Kirsanova, Celsa Machado and Ana Paula Ribeiro
2018-03 'Which Banks Smooth and at What Price?' by Sotirios Kokas, Dmitri Vinogradov and Marios Zachariadis
2018-04 'Foreign exchange order flow as a risk factor' by Craig Burnside, Mario Cerrato and Zhekai Zhang
2018-05 'Discouragement through incentives' by Dmitri Vinogradov and Elena Shadrina
2017-01 "Studying the Implications of Consumption and Asset Return Data for Stochastic Discount Factors in Incomplete International Economics" by Gurdip Bakshi, Mario Cerrato and John Crosby
2017-02 "Asymmetries in earnings, employment and wage risk in Great Britain" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Spyridon Lazarakis and James Malley
2017-03 "Financial Literacy and Attitudes to Redistribution" by Alberto Montagnoli, Mirko Moro, Georgios A. Panos and Robert E. Wright
2017-04 "A Composition- Consistency Characterization of the Plurality Rule" by Z. Emel Ozturk (no longer available to download)
2017-05 "Durations at the Zero Lower Bound" by Richard Dennis
2017-06 "Financing Lumpy Adjustment" by Christoph Gortz, Plutarchos Sakellaris and John D. Tsoukalas
2017-07 "Wealth inequality and externalities from ex-ante skill heterogeneity" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Spyridon Lazarakis and James Malley
2017-08 "Disputes, Debt and Equity" by Alfred Duncan and Charles Nolan
2017-09 "Liquidity Risk, Credit Risk and the Money Multiplier" by Tatiana Damjanovic, Vladislav Damjanovic and Charles Nolan
2017-10 "Can subsiding job-related training reduce inequality?" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Andrea Benecchi and James Malley
2017-11 "The Effect of New Shocks and Monetary Policy" by Luca Ganbetti, Dimitris Korobilis, John D. Tsoukalas and Francesco Zanetti
2017-12 "Signaling Probabilities in Ambiguity: on the impact of vague news by Dmitri Vinogradov and Yousef Makhlouf
2016-01 - "Understanding Inflation as a Joint Monetary-Fiscal Phenomenon" by Eric M. Leeper and Campbell Leith
2016-02 - "Private information and business cycle risk sharing" by Alfred Duncan, University of Cambridge
2016-03 - "Forecasting the 2015 General Election with Internet Big Data: An Application of the TRUST Framework" by Ronald MacDonald and Xuxin Mao
2016-04 - "Optimal Time-Consistent Monetary, Fiscal and Debt Maturity Policy" by Eric M. Leeper, Campbell Leith and Ding Liu
2016-05 - "Monetary Policy and Corporate Bond Returns" by Alexandros Kontonikas, Paulo Maio and Zivile Zekaite
2016-06 - "Japan's Currency Intervention Regimes: A Microstructural Analysis with Speculation and Sentiment" by Ronald MacDonald and Xuxin Mao
2016-07 - "Competitive Fair Division under additive utilities" by Anna Bogomolnaia and Hervé Moulin
2016-08 - "The Unreasonable Fairness of Maximum Nash Welfare" by Hervé Moulin, Ioannis Caragiannis, David Kurokawa, Ariel D. Procaccia, Nisarg Shah and Junxing Wang.
2016-09 - "Bayesian Compressed Vector Autoregressions" by Dimitris Korobilis, Gary Koop and Davide Pettenuzzo
2016-10 - "Bank development and a lower degree of sophistication and diversification of developing countries’ exports" by Alberto Paloni and John Ebireri
2016-11 - "Deep Recessions and Slow Recoveries" by Tatiana Kirsanova, Charles Nolan and Maryam Shafiei Deh Abad
2016-12 - "Political Economics of Fiscal Consolidations and External Sovereign Accidents" by Carolina Achury, Christos Koulovatianos and John Tsoukalas
2016-13 - "Implementation in partial equilibrium" by Takashi Hayashi and Michele Lombardi
2016-14 - "Sequential implementation without commitment" by Takashi Hayashi and Michele Lombardi
2016-15- "New Shocks under Financial Frictions" by Christoph Gortz, John D. Tsoukalas and Francesco Zanetti
2016-16 - "A Non- Cooperative Approach to Dynamic Bargaining" by Francesca Flamini
2016-17 - "Optimal Bailout of Systemic Banks" by Charles Nolan, Plutarchos Sakellaris and John D. Tsoukalas
2016-18 - "Policy initiatives and firms' access to external finance: Evidence from a panel of emerging Asian Economies" by Udichibarna Bose, Ronald MacDonald and Serafeim Tsoukas
2016-19 - "Social decision under uncertainty and responsibility for beliefs" by Takashi Hayashi and Michele Lombardi
2016-20- "Dynamic Benchmark Targeting" by Karl H. Schlag and Andy Zapechelnyuk
2016-21- "Optimal Allocation with Ex-post Verification and Limited Penalties" by Tymofiy Mylovanov and Andy Zapechelnyuk
2016-22- "Persuasion of a Privately Informed Receiver" by Anton Kolotilin, Tymofiy Mylovanov, Andy Zapechelnyuk and Ming Li
2016-23- "Financial Literacy and Political Orientation in Great Britain" by Alberto Montagnoli, Mirko Moro, Georgios Panos and Robert E Wright
2015-01 "Policy initiatives and firms' access to external finance: Evidence from a panel of emerging Asian economies" by Udichibarna Bose, Ronald MacDonald and Serafeim Tsoukas
2015-02 "The Optimal Degree of Monetary-Discretion in a New Keynesian Model with Private Information" by Yuichiro Waki, Ippei Fujiwara and Richard Dennis
2015-03 "Fiscal multipliers in a two-sector search and matching model" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Wei Jiang and James Malley
2015-04 "Firm survival, uncertainty and financial frictions: Is there a financial uncertainty accelerator?" by Joseph P. Byrne, Marina-Eliza Spaliara and Serafeim Tsoukas
2015-05 "An Alternative way of predicting the outcome of the Scottish Independence Referendum: the information in the Ether." by Ronald MacDonald and Xuxin Mao
2015-07 "Transaction Costs and Institutions: Investments in Exchange" by Charles Nolan and Alex Trew
2015-08 "Term Structure Dynamics, Macro-Finance Factors and Model Uncertainty" by Joseph P. Byrne, Shuo Cao and Dimitris Korobilis.
2015-09 "Quantile forecasts of inflation under model uncertainty" by Dimitris Korobilis.
2015-10 "Prior selection for panel vector autoregressions" by Dimitris Korobilis.
2015-11 "Tracking cost savings from competitive tendering in the short and long run" by Luis Angeles and Robin G. Milne
2015-12 "Co-Movement, Spillovers and Excess Returns in Global Bond Markets?" by Joseph P. Byrne, Shuo Cao and Dimitris Korobilis
2015-13 "Education and the local equity bias around the world" by Udichibarna Bose, Ronald MacDonald and Serafeim Tsoukas
2015-14 "US Monetary and Fiscal Policies - conflict or cooperation?" by Xiaoshan Chen, Eric M. Leeper and Campbell Leith
2015-15 "Modeling Dependence Structure and Forecasting Market Risk with Dynamic Asymmetric Copula" by Mario Cerrato, John Crosby, Minjoo Kim and Yang Zhao
2015-16 "Nominal Targeting in an Economy with Government Debt" by Yuting Bai, Tatiana Kirsanova and Campbell Leith
2015-17 "Always and Everywhere Inflation? Treasuries Variance Decomposition and the Impact of Monetary Policy" - by Alexandros Kontonikas, Charles Nolan and Zivile Zekaite
2015-18 "Financialisation, Business Lending and Profitability in the UK" by Victor Ekpu and Alberto Paloni
2015-19 "A note on debt and economic activity" by Luis Angeles and Robin Milne
2015-20 "Economic Growth and Evolution of Gender Equality" by Tatiana Damjanovic and Geethanjali Selvaretnam
2015-21 "Laissez-faire versus Pareto" by Kristof Bosmans and Z. Emel Ozturk
2015-22 "Objectives and Challenges of Macroprudential Policy" by Alfred Duncan and Charles Nolan
2015-23 "Risk Sharing in International Economies and Market Incompleteness" by Gurdip Bakshi, Mario Cerrato and John Crosby
2015-24 "Correlated Defaults of UK Banks: Dynamics and Asymmetries" by Mario Cerrato, John Crosby, Minjoo Kim and Yang Zhao
2015-25 "Forecasting With High Dimensional Panel VARs" by Gary Koop, Dimitris Korobilis
2014-01 "Noncooperative oligopoly in markets with a continuum of traders: a limit theorem a la Cournot" by Francesca Busetto, Giulio Codognato and Sayantan Ghosal
2014-02 "Self-confidence, overconfidence and prenatal testosterone exposure: evidence from the lab" by Patricio S. Dalton and Sayantan Ghosal
2014-03 "Exchange rate predictability in a changing world" by Joseph P. Byrne, Dimitris Korobilis, and Pinho J. Ribeiro
2014-04 "Data-based priors for vector autoregressions with drifting coefficients" by Dimitris Korobilis
2014-05 "Tax smoothing in a business cycle model with capital-skill complementarity" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Stylianos Asimakopoulos and James Malley
2014-06 "The inflation bias under Calvo and Rotemberg pricing" by Campbell Leith and Ding Liu
2014-07 "Optimal progressive taxation in a model with endogenous skill supply" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Stylianos Asimakopoulos and James Malley
2014-08 "Monetary policy in times of financial stress" by Alexandros Kontonikas, Charles Nolan and Zivile Zekaite
2014-09 "On the real effects of financial pressure: Evidence from euro area firm-level employment during the recent financial crisis" by Filipa Fernandes, Alexandros Kontonikas, Serafeim Tsoukas
2014-10 "Model uncertainty in panel vector autoregressive models" by Gary Koop and Dimitris Korobilis
2014-11 "An independent Scotland’s currency options redux: Assessing the costs and benefits of currency choice" by Ronald MacDonald, CESifo Policy Group Munich
2014-12 "Atomic Cournotian traders may be Walrasian" by Giulio Codognato, Sayantan Ghosal and Simone Tonin
2014-13 "Nondictatorial Arrovian Social Welfare Functions An Integer Programming Approach" by Francesca Busetto, Giulio Codognato and Simone Tonin
2014-14 "Integer Programming on Domains Containing Inseparable Ordered Pairs" by Francesca Busetto, Giulio Codognato and Simone Tonin
2014-15 "Non-Cooperative Asymptotic Oligopoly in Economies with Infinitely Many Commodities" by Sayantan Ghosal and Simone Tonin
2014-16 "On the Sources of Uncertainty in Exchange Rate Predictability" by Joseph P. Byrne, Dimitris Korobilis, and Pinho J. Ribeiro
2014-17 "The role of education in equity portfolios during the recent financial crisis" by Udichibarna Bose, Ronald MacDonald, Serafeim Tsoukas
2014-18 "Picking the right budget constraint for Scotland" by Paul Hallwood and Ronald MacDonald
2014-19 "An Empirical Assessment of Optimal Monetary Policy Delegation in the Euro Area" by Xiaoshan Chen, Tatiana Kirsanova, Campbell Leith
2014-20 "Disputes, Debt and Equity" by Alfred Duncan and Charles Nolan
2014-21 "Computing Markov-Perfect Optimal Policies in Business-Cycle Models" by Richard Dennis and Tatiana Kirsanova
2013-01 "Infrequent Fiscal Stabilization" by Yuting Bai and Tatiana Kirsanova
2013-02 "Expectations Traps and Coordination Failures with Discretionary Policymaking" by Richard Dennis and Tatiana Kirsanova
2013-03 "Aggregate and welfare effects of long run inflation risk under inflation and price-level targeting" by Michael Hatcher
2013-04 "No Good Deals - No Bad Models" by Nina Boyarchenko, Mario Cerrato, John Crosby, and Stewart Hodges
2013-05 "On the time-varying relationship between EMU sovereign spreads and their determinants" by António Afonso, Michael G. Arghyrou, George Bagdatoglou and Alexandros Kontonikas
2013-06 "A new index of financial conditions" by Gary Koop and Dimitris Korobilis
2013-07 "Commitment vs. discretion in the UK: An empirical investigation of the monetary and fiscal policy regime" by Tatiana Kirsanova and Stephanus le Roux
2013-08 "How Optimal is US Monetary Policy?" by Xiaoshan Chen, Tatiana Kirsanova and Campbell Leith
2013-09 " Monetary policy delegation and equilibrium coordination" by Andrew P. Blake, Tatiana Kirsanova and Tony Yates
2013-10 "Human capital, social mobility and the skill premium" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, James Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2013-11 "Indexed versus nominal government debt under inflation and price-level targeting" by Michael Hather
2013-12 "Currency issues and options for an independent Scotland" by Ronald MacDonald
2013-13 "Stock market liquidity and macro-liquidity shocks: Evidence from the 2007-2009 financial crisis" by Chris Florackis, Alexandros Kontonikas and Alexandros Kostakis
2013-14 "Imperfect credibility and robust monetary policy" by Richard Dennis
2013-15 "Asset prices, business cycles, and Markov-Perfect fiscal policy when agents are risk-sensitive" by Richard Dennis
2013-16 "The optimal distribution of the tax burden over the business cycle" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Stylianos Asimakopoulos and James Malley
2013-17 "The inflation risk premium on government debt in an overlapping generations model" by Michael Hatcher
2013-18 "Fiscal policy in a Real-Business-Cycle model with labor-intensive government services and endogenous public sector wages and hours" by Aleksandar Vasilev
2013-19 "Cyclical and welfare effects of public sector unions in a Real-Business-Cycle model" by Aleksandar Vasilev
2013-20 "On the cost of rent-seeking by government bureaucrats in a Real-Business-Cycle framework" by Aleksandar Vasilev
2013-21 "Liquidity, moral hazard and bank crises" by S. Chatterji and S. Ghosal
2013-22 "Characterizing behavioral decisions with choice data" by Patricio S. Dalton and Sayantan Ghosal
2013-23 "Unilateral emissions mitigation, spillovers, and global learning" by Shurojit Chatterji, Sayantan Ghosal, Sean Walsh and John Whalley
2013-24 "Contracting over Prices" by S. Chatterji and S. Ghosal
2013-25 "News shocks and business cycles: bridging the gap from different methodologies" by Christoph Görtz and John D. Tsoukalas
2012-01 "Optimal taxation and the skill premium" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, James Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2012-02 "Is there a role for genetics in economic development?" by Luis Angeles
2012-03 "Uncertain fiscal consolidations" by Huixin Bi, Eric M. Leeper and Campbell Leith
2012-04 "Large time-varying parameter VARs" by Gary Koop and Dimitris Korobilis
2012-05 "Market familiarity and the location of South and North MNEs" by Celine Azemar, Julia Darby, Rodolphe Desbordes and Ian Wooton (forthcoming in the Journal of Economics and Politics)
2012-06 "Why do UK banks securitize?" by Mario Cerrato, Moorad Choudhry, John Crosby and John Olukuru
2012-07 "Social capital formation across space: proximity and trust in European regions" by Giorgio Fazio and Luciano Lavecchia
2012-08 "The response of the external finance premium in Asian corporate bond markets to financial characteristics, financial constraints and two financial crises" by Paul Mizen and Serafeim Tsoukas
2012-09 "Financial health, exports, and firm survival: Evidence from UK and French firms" by Holger Gőrg and Marina-Eliza Spaliara
2012-10 "Pareto or log-normal? A recursive-truncation approach to the distribution of (all) cities" by Giorgio Fazio and Marco Modica
2012-11 "Stock market reaction to fed funds rate surprises: state dependence and the financial crisis" by Alexandros Kontonikas, Ronald MacDonald and Aman Saggu
2012-12 "Bayesian forecasting with highly correlated predictors" by Dimitris Korobilis
2012-13 "Fiscal Sustainability in a New Keynesian Model - Additional Appendix" by Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2012-14 "The determinants of sovereign bond yield spreads in the EMU" by António Afonso, Michael G. Arghyrou, Alexandros Kontonikas
2012-15 "On the causes of the African Slave Trade" By Luis Angeles
2012-16 "Why do firms issue abroad? Lessons from onshore and offshore corporate bond finance in Asian emerging markets" by Paul Mizen, Frank Packer, Eli Remolona and Serafeim Tsoukas
2012-17 "What promotes greater use of the corporate bond market? A study of the issuance behaviour of firms in Asia" by Paul Mizen and Serafeim Tsoukas
2012-18 "Escaping Expectation Traps: How Much Commitment is Required?" by Christoph Himmels and Tatiana Kirsanova
2011-01 "International capital flows to emerging and developing countries: national and global determinants" by Joseph P. Byrne and Norbert Fiess
2011-02 "Colonialism, elite Formation and corruption" by Luis Angeles and Kyriakos C. Neanidis
2011-03 "Institutions, property rights, and economic development in historical perspective" by Luis Angeles
2011-04"Realised and optimal monetary policy rules in an estimated markov-switching dsge model of the United Kingdom" by Xiaoshan Chen and Ronald MacDonald
2011-05 "The Fair Trade movement: an economic perspective" by Alexander Kadow
2011-06 "Time-consistent fiscal policy under heterogeneity: Conflicting or common interests?" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, James Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2011-07 "Testing for convergence from the micro-level" by Giorgio Fazio and Davide Piacentino
2011-08 "A nonlinear panel unit root test under cross section dependence" by Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti, Rolf Larsson and Nick Sarantis
2011-09 "Bank Type, Competition and Stability in Japanese Banking" by Hong Liu and John O.S. Wilson
2011-10 "What drives security Issuance decisions: Market Timing, Pecking Order, or both?" by Ming Dong, Chris Veld, Igor Loncarski, Jenke ter Horst
2011-11 "Why are convertible bond announcements associated with increasingly negative abnormal stock returns? An arbitrage-based explanation" by Eric Duca, Marie Dutordoir, Chris Veld, Patrick Verwijmeren
2011-12 "Corporate governance of closed corporations: Leveraged-buyouts versus employee-ownership" by Marco G.D. Guidi
2011-13 "Factors affecting audit quality in the 2007 UK Regulatory Environment: Perceptions of chief financial officers, audit committee chairs and audit engagement partners" by Vivien Beattie, Stella Fearnley, and Tony Hines
2011-14 "Transaction costs and institutions" by Charles Nolan and Alex Trew
2011-15 "Ordering policy rules with an unconditional welfare measure" by Tatiana Damjanovic, Vladislav Damjanovic and Charles Nolan
2011-16 "Adaptive continuous time Markov chain approximation model to general jump-diffusions" by Mario Cerrato, Chia Chun Lo and Konstantinos Skindilias
2011-17 "Measuring the economic significance of structural exchange rate models" by Mario Cerrato, John Crosby and Muhammad Kaleem
2011-18 "Corruption and financial intermediation in a panel of regions: cross-border effects of corruption" by Muhammad Tariq Majeed and Ronald MacDonald
2011-19 "Forecasting US bond default ratings allowing for previous and initial state dependence in an ordered probit model" by Paul Mizen and Serafeim Tsoukas
2011-20 "Productivity shocks and aggregate fluctuations in an estimated endogenous growth model with human capital" by Jim Malley and Ulrich Woitek
2011-21 "The distributional consequences of tax reforms under market distortions" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Wei Jiang and Jim Malley
2011-22 "Transmission of macro-liquidity shocks to liquidity-sorted stock portfolios’ returns: The role of the financial crisis" by Chris Florackis, Alexandros Kontonikas and Alexandros Kostakis
2011-23 "Debt stabilization in a Non-Ricardian economy" by Campbell Leith, Ioana Moldovan and Simon Wren-Lewis
2011-24 "Causes of corruption in European countries: history, law, and political stability" by Ronald MacDonald and Muhammad Tariq Majeed
2010-01 "Industrial structure, trade and regional economics : market segmentation" by Vito Amendolagine and Gabriel Talmain
2010-02 "Who ultimately bears the burden of greater non-wage labour costs?" by Céline Azémar and Rodolphe Desbordes
2010-03 "Institutions and Economic Development. New tests and new doubts" by Luis Angeles
2010-04 "The role of institutions in cross-section income and panel data growth models: a deeper investigation on the weakness and proliferation of instruments" by Aderbal Damasceno, Ronald MacDonald and Flávio Vieira
2010-05 "A bootstrap neural network based heterogeneous panel unit root test: application to exchange rates" by Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti and Carole Siani
2010-06 "Spatial dynamics and convergence: the spatial AK model" by Raouf Boucekkine, Carmen Camacho and Giorgio Fabbri
2010-07 "Catching-up with the "locomotive": a simple theory" by Raouf Boucekkine and Benteng Zou
2010-08 "Financial liberalisation and industrial development in Malawi" by Grant P. Kabango and Alberto Paloni
2010-09 "Inflation and globalisation: a dynamic factor model with stochastic volatility" by Joseph P. Byrne, Fatima Kaneez and Alexandros Kontonikas
2010-10 "Interest rate co-movements, global factors and the long end of the term spread" by Joseph P. Byrne, Giorgio Fazio and Norbert Fiess
2010-11 "Interprovincial disparities in China since the reforms: convergence or divergence?" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Zhikai Wang
2010-12 "What is the best environmental policy? Taxes, permits and rules under economic and environmental uncertainty" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, George Economides and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2010-13 "A panel data investigation of real exchange rate misalignment and growth" by Ronald MacDonald and Flávio Vieira
2010-14 "Equilibrium exchange rate determination and multiple structural changes" by Mario Cerrato, Hyunsok Kim and Ronald MacDonald
2010-15 "An empirical investigation of the Lucas hypothesis: the yield curve and non linearity in the money-output relationship" by Matteo Modena
2010-16 "Revisiting the Dollar-Euro permanent equilibrium exchange rate: evidence from multivariate unobserved components models" by Xiaoshan Chen and Ronald MacDonald
2010-17 "Nominal interest rates and stationarity" by Mario Cerrato, Hyunsok Kim and Ronald MacDonald
2010-18 "International evidence on the new Keynesian Phillips Curve using aggregate and disaggregate data" by Joseph P. Byrne, Alexandros Kontonikas and Alberto Montagnoli
2010-19 "Exchange rate pass through to import prices: panel evidence from emerging market economies" by Joseph P. Byrne, Aditya S. Chavali and Alexandros Kontonikas
2010-20 "Assessing the Parfit's Repugnant Conclusion within a canonical endogenous growth set-up" by Raouf Boucekkine and Giorgio Fabbri
2010-21 "Does the euro dominate Central and Eastern European money markets?" by Mario Cerrato, Alexander Kadow and Ronald MacDonald
2010-22 "Distributional and poverty consequences of globalization: a dynamic comparative analysis for developing countries" by Ronald MacDonald and Muhammad Tariq Majeed
2010-23 "Discretionary policy in a monetary union with sovereign debt" by Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2010-24 "Fear of model misspecification and the robustness premium" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos and James Malley
2010-25 "The EMU sovereign-debt crisis: fundamentals, expectations and contagion" by Michael G. Arghyrou and Alexandros Kontonikas
2010-26 "The distributional consequences of supply-side reforms in general equilibrium" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Bernardo X. Fernandez and James Malley
2010-27 "Primary commodity prices: co-movements, common factors and fundamentals" by Joseph P. Byrne, Giorgio Fazio and Norbert Fiess
2010-28 "The rise and fall of the ABS market" by Mario Cerrato
2010-29 "On monetary policy and stock market anomalies" by Alexandros Kontonikas and Alexandros Kostakis
2010-30 "Microstructure order flow: statistical and economic evaluation of nonlinear forecasts" by Mario Cerrato, Hyunsok Kim and Ronald MacDonald
2010-31 "Negative investment in China: financing constraints and restructuring versus growth" by Sai Ding, Alessandra Guariglia and John Knight
2010-32 "Does China overinvest? Evidence from a panel of Chinese firms" by Sai Ding, Alessandra Guariglia and John Knight
2010-33 "Investment and financing constraints in China: does working capital management make a difference?" by Sai Ding, Alessandra Guariglia and John Knight
2010-34 "Corruption and the military in politics: theory and evidence from around the world" by Muhammad Tariq Majeed and Ronald MacDonald
2010-35 "First-and second-best allocations under economic and environmental uncertainty" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, George Economides and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2009-01 "Climbing to the top? Foreign direct investment and property rights" by Fathi Ali, Norbert Fiess and Ronald MacDonald
2009-02 "Government spending composition, technical change and wage inequality" by Guido Cozzi and Giammario Impullitti
2009-03 "International corporate taxation and US multinationals' behavior: an integrated approach" by Céline Azémar
2009-04 "Public governance, health and foreign direct investment in Sub-Saharan Africa" by Céline Azémar and Rodolphe Desbordes
2009-05 "3-Regime symmetric STAR modeling and exchange rate reversion" by Mario Cerrato, Hyunsok Kim and Ronald MacDonald
2009-06 "Promoting clean technologies under imperfect competition" by Théophile T. Azomahou, Raouf Boucekkine and Phu Nguyen-Vanc
2009-07 "Environmental negotiations as dynamic games: why so selfish?" by Raouf Boucekkine, Jacek B. Krawczyk and Thomas Vallée
2009-08 "Adaptation and anticipation effects to life events in the United Kingdom" by Luis Angeles
2009-09 "Adaptation or social comparison? The effects of income on happiness" by Luis Angeles
2009-10 Paper has been withdrawn
2009-11 "Electoral uncertainty and the deficit bias in a New Keynesian Economy" by Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2009-12 "Do political incentives matter for tax policies? Ideology, opportunism and the tax structure" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, George Economides and Pantelis Kammas
2009-13 "Exchange rate forecasters’ performance: evidence of skill? by Ronald MacDonald, Lukas Menkhoff and Rafael R. Rebitzky
2009-14 "Why the rich should like R&D less" by Guido Cozzi
2009-15 "Technology shocks and aggregate fluctuations in an estimated hybrid RBC model" by Jim Malley and Ulrich Woitek
2009-16 "Dynamic option adjusted spread and the value of mortgage backed securities" by Mario Cerrato and Abdelmadjid Djennad
2009-17 "A new test of the real interest rate parity hypothesis: bounds approach and structural breaks" by George Bagdatoglou and Alexandros Kontonikas
2009-18 "When is monetary policy all we need?" by Fabian Eser, Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2009-19 "Science-based R&D in Schumpeterian growth" by Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
2009-20 "Upstream innovation protection: common law evolution and the dynamics of wage inequality" by Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
2009-21 "Maintenance and investment: complements or substitutes? A reappraisal" by Raouf Boucekkine, Giorgio Fabbri and Fausto Gozzi
2009-22 "On the distributional consequences of epidemics" by Raouf Boucekkine and Jean-Pierre Laffargue
2009-23 "Productivity shocks and aggregate cycles in an estimated endogenous growth model" by Jim Malley and Ulrich Woitek
2009-24 "Short-run strategies for attracting Foreign Direct Investment" by Céline Azémar and Rodolphe Desbordes
2009-25 "An investigation of customer order flow in the foreign exchange market" by Mario Cerrato, Nicholas Sarantis and Alex Saunders
2009-26 "Technical Appendix-3-Regime asymmetric STAR modeling and exchange rate reversion" by Mario Cerrato, Hyunsok Kim and Ronald MacDonald
2009-27 "Optimal martingales and American option pricing" by Mario Cerrato and Abdollah Abbasyan
2009-28 "A nonlinear panel unit root test under cross section dependence" by Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti, Rolf Larsson and Nick Sarantis (re-issued as Discussion paper 2011-08)
2009-29 "The evolution of ideology, fairness and redistribution" by Alberto Alesina, Guido Cozzi, and Noemi Mantovan
2009-30 "The fractal nature of inequality in a fast growing world: new version" by Guido Cozzi and Fabio Privileggi
2009-31 "A spatial multilevel analysis of Italian SMEs Productivity" by Giorgio Fazio and Davide Piacentino
2009-32 "Monetary and fiscal policy under deep habits" by Campbell Leith, Ioana Moldovan and Raffaele Rossi
2009-33 "Colonialism, European descendants and democracy" by Luis Angeles
2009-34 "Sustainability, optimality, and viability in the Ramsey model" by Noël Bonneuil and Raouf Boucekkine
2009-35 "Measuring the Euro area output gap using multivariate unobserved components models containing phase shifts" by Xiaoshan Chen and Terence C. Mills
2008-01 "Privatization of knowledge: did the U.S. get it right?" by Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
2008-02 "Can social norms affect the international allocation of innovation?" by Guido Cozzi
2008-03 "Uncertainty averse bank runners" by Guido Cozzi and Paolo E. Giordani
2008-04 "Multinational firms' heterogeneity in tax responsiveness: the role of transfer pricing" by Céline Azémar and Gregory Corcos
2008-05 "Tax structure, growth and welfare in the UK" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Jim Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2008-06 "Ambiguity attitude, R&D investments and economic growth" by Guido Cozzi and Paolo E. Giordani
2008-07 "Dynamic option adjusted spread and the value of mortgage backed securities" by Mario Cerrato and Abdelmadjid Djennad
2008-08 Paper has been withdrawn
2008-09 "Economics of 'Policy-Induced' fragmentation: the costs of closures regime to West Bank and Gaza" by Sebnem Akkaya, Norbert Fiess, Bartlomiej Kaminski and Gael Raballand
2008-10 "The global dimension to fiscal sustainability" by Joseph P. Byrne, Norbert Fiess and Ronald MacDonald
2008-11 "Optimal firm behavior under environmental constraints" by Raouf Boucekkine, Natali Hritonenko and Yuri Yatsenko
2008-12 "Valuing American derivatives by least squares methods" by Mario Cerrato
2008-13 "Promoting clean technologies: the energy market structure crucially matters" by Théophile T. Azomahou, Raouf Boucekkine and Phu Nguyen-Vanc
2008-14 "The global side of the investments-savings puzzle" by Joseph P. Byrne, Giorgio Fazio and Norbert Fiess
2008-15 "Countercyclical fiscal policy and cyclical factor utilization" by Ioana Moldovan
2008-16 "Chebyshev polynomial approximation to approximate partial differential equations" by Guglielmo Maria Caporale and Mario Cerrato
2008-17 "Export-market dynamics and the probability of firm closure: evidence for the UK" by Richard I.D. Harris and Qian Cher Li
2008-18 "Why the rich should like R&D less" by Guido Cozzi (re-issued as Discussion paper 2009-14)
2008-19 "The long run relationship between stock prices and goods prices: new evidence from panel cointegration", by Alexandros Kontonikas and Andros Gregoriou
2008-20 "Technological progress, organizational change and the size of the human resources department", by Raouf Boucekkine, Patricia Criffo and Claudio Mattalia
2008-21 "A theory of dynamics and inequalities under epidemics", by Raouf Boucekkine and Jean-Pierre Laffargue
2008-22 "Trade unions go global!", by Alejandro Donado and Klaus Wälde
2008-23 "Technology policy and wage inequality", by Guido Cozzi and Giammario Impullitti
2008-24 "Citations profile and the complexity of innovation", by Guido Cozzi and Francesco Schettino
2008-25 "Demographic transitions: analyzing the effects of mortality on fertility", by Luis Angeles
2008-26 "Do institutions matter for foreign direct investment?", by Fathi Ali, Norbert Fiess and Ronald MacDonald
2008-27 "Is the consumption-income ratio stationary? Evidence from a nonlinear panel unit root test for OECD and non-OECD countries", by Mario Cerrato, Christian de Peretti and Chris Stewart
2008-28 "Common and idiosyncratic factors of the exchange risk premium in emerging European markets" by Joseph P. Byrne and Jun Nagayasu
2008-29 "Structural breaks in the real exchange rate and real interest rate relationship", by Joseph P. Byrne and Jun Nagayasu
2008-30 "Optimal monetary policy in a new Keynesian model with habits in consumption", by Campbell Leith, Ioana Moldovan and Raffaele Rossi
2008-31 "Democratization as a cost-saving device" by Luis Angeles
2008-32 "Optimal martingales and American option pricing" by Mario Cerrato and Abdollah Abbasyan (re-issued as Discussion paper 2009-27)
2008-33 "3-Regime symmetric STAR modeling and exchange rate reversion" by Mario Cerrato, Hyunsok Kim and Ronald MacDonald (re-issued as Discussion paper 2009-05)
2008-34 "Trade liberalisation and informality: new stylized facts" by Norbert Fiess and Marco Fugazza
2008-35 "An empirical analysis of the curvature factor of the term structure of interest rates" by Matteo Modena, revised and published as 'A macroeconomic analysis of the latent factors of the yield curve: curvature and real activity' in (Gregoriou, G.N. and R. Pascalau (eds.), Financial Econometrics Modelling: Derivatives Pricing and Hedge Funds and Term Structure Models, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2011.
2008-36 "The term structure and the expectations hypothesis: a threshold model" by Matteo Modena
2008-37 "Welfare implications of public education spending rules" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Jim Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2008-38 "Do institutions matter for economic fluctuations? Weak property rights in a business cycle model for Mexico" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, George Economides and Vangelis Vassilatos
2007-01 "Aid Effectiveness: The Role of the Local Elite" by Luis Angeles and Kyriakos C. Neanidis
2007-02 "To React or Not? Fiscal Policy, Volatility and Welfare in the EU-3" by Jim Malley, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Ulrich Woitek
2007-03 "Aid, Conflict and Human Development" by Mark McGillivray and Farhad Noorbakhsh
2007-04 "Foreign Direct Investment, Determinants and Policy Analysis: Case Study of Pakistan" by Ahmed Nawaz Hakro and Akhtiar Ahmed Ghumro
2007-05 "Bilateral Trade and Per Capita Income Convergence of Selected South Asian countries and among their ‘Major Trade Partners’" by Bashir Ahmad Fida and Ahmed Nawaz Hakro
2007-06 "Migration and Elastic Labour in Economic Development: Southeast Asia before World War II" by Giovanni Caggiano and Gregg Huff
2007-07 "Unit Roots in Inflation and Aggregation Bias" by Joseph Byrne, Alexandros Kontonikas and Alberto Montagnoli
2007-08 "Countercyclical Fiscal Policy and Cyclical Factor Utilization" by Ioana Moldovan (re-issued as Discussion paper 2008-15)
2007-09 "Public Education Expenditure, Growth and Welfare" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Jim Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2007-10 "Stock Market Valuation and Monopolistic Competition: a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach" by Gabriel Talmain
2007-11 "GDP Per Capita or Real Wages? Making Sense of Conflicting Views on Pre-industrial Europe" by Luis Angeles
2007-12 "Behavioural Equilibrium Exchange Rate Estimates and Implied Exchange Rate Adjustments for Ten Countries" by Ronald MacDonald and Preethike Dias
2007-13 "Euro Area Inflation Differentials: Unit Roots, Structural Breaks and Non-Linear Adjustment" by Andros Gregoriou, Alexandros Kontonikas and Alberto Montagnoli
2007-14 "Globalization and Labor Market Integration in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth-Century Asia" by Gregg Huff and Giovanni Caggiano
2007-15 "A Proper Farewell to Kuznets' Hypothesis" by Luis Angeles
2007-16 "Globalization, Natural Resources and Foreign Investment: A view from the resource-rich tropics" by Gregg Huff
2007-17 "Financial Transition in Pre-World War II Japan and Southeast Asia" by Gregg Huff
2007-18 "Trade Costs, Trade Balances and Current Accounts: An application of gravity to multilateral trade" by Giorgio Fazio, Ronald MacDonald and Jacques Melitz
2007-19 "Disaggregate Real Exchange Rate Behaviour" by Giorgio Fazio, Peter McAdam and Ronald MacDonald
2007-20 "Implementing Innovation in the UK National Health Service. A Case Study in Patient Compliance" by Robin Milne and Stewart Cully
2007-21 "Do Real Interest Rates Converge? Evidence from the European Union" by Michael Arghyrou, Andros Gregoriou and Alexandros Kontonikas
2007-22 "Learning-By-Exporting? Firm-Level Evidence for UK Manufacturing and Services Sectors" by Richard Harris and Qian Cher Li
2007-23 "Long-run Negotiations with Dynamic Accumulation" by Francesca Flamini
2007-24 "A Closer Look at the Relationship between Life Expectancy and Economic Growth" by Raouf Boucekkine, Bity Diene and Théophile Azomahou
2007-25 "How Do Epidemics Induce Behavioral Changes" by Raouf Boucekkine, Rodolphe Desbordes and Hélène Latzer
2007-26 "A Note on Global Dynamics and Imbalance Effects in the Lucas-Uzawa Model" by Raouf Boucekkine, B. Martínez and J.R. Ruiz-Tamarit
2007-27 "Bridging the Gap Between Growth Theory and the New Economic Geography: The Spatial Ramsey Model" by Raouf Boucekkine, C. Camacho and B. Zou
2007-28 "Fiscal Policy, Rent Seeking and Growth under Electoral Uncertainty. Theory and Evidence from the OECD" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos and George Economides
2007-29 "Rent-Seeking Competition from State Coffers in a Calibrated DSGE Model of the Euro Area" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Vanghelis Vassilatos
2007-30 "Does Public Sector Efficiency Matter? Revisiting the Relation between Fiscal Size and Economic Growth in a World Sample" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Efthymios Tsionas
2007-31 "The Tax Sparing Provision Influence: A Credit versus Exempt Investors Analysis" by Céline Azémar and Andrew Delios
2007-32 "How to Get Tenured" by Michael Graber, Andrey Launov and Klaus Wälde
2007-33 "Natural Volatility, Welfare and Taxation" by Olaf Posch and Klaus Wälde
2007-34 "Pareto-Improving Unemployment Policies" by Jörg Lingens and Klaus Wälde
2007-35 "Do Institutions Matter for Economic Fluctuations? Weak Property Rights in a Business Cycle Model for Mexico" by Konstantinos Angelopoulos, George Economides and Vangelis Vassilatos (re-issued as Discussion paper
2007-36 "A Re-examination of the Link between Real Exchange Rates and Real Interest Rate Differentials" by Mathias Hoffmann and Ronald MacDonald
2007-37 "IMF Support and Inter-regime Exchange Rate Volatility" by Ivo J.M. Arnold, Ronald MacDonald and Casper G. de Vries
2007-38 "Estimating the Demand for Union-Led Learning in Scotland" by Jeanette Findlay, Patricia Findlay and Chris Warhurst
2007-39 "The Contribution of Sectoral Productivity Differentials to Inflation in Greece" by Heather D. Gibson and Jim Malley
2007-40 "How Should the Government Allocate its Tax Revenues between Productivity-Enhancing and Utility-Enhancing Public Goods?" by George Economides, Hyun Park and Apostolis Philippopoulos
2007-41 "Euro Area Inflation: Aggregation Bias and Convergence" by Joseph P. Byrne and Norbert Fiess
2007-42 "Countercyclical Taxes in a Monopolistically Competitive Environment" by Ioana Moldovan
2007-43 "Child's Play? Skills, Regulation and Reward amongst 'Early Years' Workers" by Jeanette Findlay (2007-43-Tables)
2007-44 "Rule of Thumb Consumers, Public Debt and Income Tax" by Raffaele Rossi
2007-45 "The Fractal Nature of Inequality in a Fast Growing World" by Guido Cozzi and Fabio Privileggi (re-issued as Discussion paper 2009-30)
2006-01 "Uncertainty Determinants of Corporate Liquidity" by C.F. Baum, M. Caglayan, A. Stephan and O. Talavera
2006-02 "A Note on the Empirics of the Neoclassical Growth Model" by G. Caggiano and L. Leonida
2006-03 "International Convergence and Inequality of Human Development: 1975 - 2001" by F. Noorbakhsh
2006-04 "The Belarusian Case of Transition: Whither Financial Repression?" by J. Korosteleva and C. Lawson
2006-05 "Maximising Seigniorage and Inflation Tax: The Case of Belarus" by J. Korosteleva
2006-06 "Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in a New Keynesian Model with Capital Accumulation and Non-Ricardian Consumers" by C. Leith and L. von Thadden
2006-07 "Governance of the Regulatory Decision Making Process" by B. Quinn
2006-08 "Reexamining the Linkages between Inflation and Output Growth: A Bivariate ARFIMA-FIGARCH Approach" by M. Caglayan and F. Jiang
2006-09 "US Trade and Exchange Rate Volatility: A Real Sectoral Bilateral Analysis" by J. Byrne, J. Darby and R. MacDonald
2006-10 "Unit Roots and Structural Breaks: A Survey of the Literature" by J. Byrne and R. Perman
2006-11 "Fiscal Sustainability in a New Keynesian Model" by C. Leith and S. Wren-Lewis
2006-12 "The Impact of Monetary Policy on Stock Prices" by C Ioannidis and A Kontonikas
2006-13 "Capital Account Openness and Bankruptcies" by L. Angeles
2006-14 "A Restatement of the Case for Fiscal Autonomy (or: The Barnett Formula - a formula for Rake's Progress)" by P. Hallwood and R. MacDonald
2006-15 "Monetary Policy Shocks and Stock Returns: Evidence from the British Market" by A. Gregoriou, A. Kontonikas, R. MacDonald and A. Montagnoli
2006-16 "The Productivity Impact of Skills in English Manufacturing, 2001: Evidence from Plant-Level Matched Data" by R. Harris, Q. Li and C. Robinson
2006-17 "Informal Labor Markets and Macroeconomic Fluctuations" by N. Fiess, M. Fugazza and W.F. Maloney
2006-18 "Exporting, FDI, and Labour Demand Adjustment: Evidence from the UK Manufacturing" by Q. Li and S. Girma
2006-19 "Exporting, R&D and Absorptive Capacity in UK Establishments: Evidence from the 2001 Community Innovation Survey" by R. Harris and Q. Li
2006-20 "International Output Convergence: Evidence from an AutoCorrelation Function Approach" by G. Caggiano and L. Leonida
2005-01 "An Investigation into the Linkages between Euro and Sterling Swap Spreads" by Somnath Chatterjee
2005-02 "Application of the Kalman Filter for estimating Continuous Time Term Structure Models: The Case of UK and Germany" by Somnath Chatterjee
2005-03 "Openness and growth in alternative trading regimes. Evidence from EEC and CMEA’s customs unions" by Rosa Capolupo and Giuseppe Celi
2005-04 "The New Growth Theories and their Empirics" by Rosa Capolupo
2005-05 "Strategic Effects and Incentives in Multi-issue Bargaining Games" by Francesca Flamini
2005-06 "Bargaining and Investment" by Francesca Flamini
2005-07 "Nelson-Plosser revisited: the ACF approach" by Karim Abadir, Giovanni Caggiano and Gabriel Talmain
2005-08 "Human Development and the World Bank Adjustment Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Shadan Noorbakhsh
2005-09 "Optimal Monetary Policy and Asset Price Misalignments" by Alexandros Kontonikas and Alberto Montagnoli
2005-10 "Inflation Targeting and the Stationarity of Inflation: New Results from an ESTAR Unit Root Test" by Andros Gregoriou and Alexandros Kontonikas
2005-11 "Stock Returns and Inflation: The Impact of Inflation Targeting" by Alexandros Kontonikas, Alberto Montagnoli and Nicola Spagnolo
2005-12 "Modeling the Non-Linear Behaviour of Inflation Deviations from the target" by Andros Gregoriou and Alexandros Kontonikas
2005-13 "The Euro and Inflation Uncertainty In The EMU" by Guglielmo Mario Caporale and Alexandros Kontonikas
2005-14 "Business Cycle Synchronization and Regional Integration: A Case Study for Central America" by Norbert Fiess
2005-15 "Exchange Rate Appreciations, Labor Market Rigidities, and Informality" by Norbert Fiess and Marco Fugazza and William Maloney
2005-16 "Regime-switching in Exchange Rate Policy and Balance Sheet Effects" by Norbert Fiess and Rashmi Shankar
2005-17 "Analyzing the Interaction of Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Does Fiscal Policy Play a Valuable Role in Stabilisation?" by V. Anton Muscatelli and Patrizio Tirelli
2005-18 "How do Sub-Central Government react to cuts in grants received from Central Governments Evidence from a Panel of 15 OECD Countries" by Julia Darby, V. Anton Muscatelli and Graeme Roy
2005-19 "Fiscal and Monetary policy Interactions in a New Keynesian Model with Liquidity Constraints" by V. Anton Muscatelli, Patrizio Tirelli and Carmine Trescroci
2005-20 "Macroeconomic Adjustment in the Euro-area: The Role of Fiscal Policy" by V. Anton Muscatelli, Tiziano Ropele and Patrizio Tirelli
2005-21 "Fiscal Federalism and Fiscal Consolidation: Evidence from an Event Study" by Julia Darby, V. Anton Muscatelli and Graeme Roy
2005-22 "Fundamental Volatility is Regime Specific" by Ivo J.M. Arnold, Ronald MacDonald and Casper G. de Vries
2005-23 "The Costs of Fiscal Inflexibility" by Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2005-24 "Financing options for Devolved Government in the UK" by James Gallagher and Daniel Hinze
2005-25 "Cadaveric vs. Live-Donor Kidney Transplants: The Interaction of Institutions and Inequality" by Nejat Anbarci and Mustafa Caglayan
2005-26 "The Impact of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Non-Financial Firms’ Demand for Liquidity" by Christopher F. Baum, Mustafa Caglayan, Neslihan Ozkan and Oleksandr Talavera
2005-27 "The Second Moments Matter: The Response of Bank Lending Behavior to Macroeconomic Uncertainty" by Christopher F. Baum, Mustafa Caglayan and Neslihan Ozkan
2004-01 "A Regional Core, Adjacent, Periphery Model for National Economic Geography Analysis" by Henk J.E.M. Brand
2004-02 "Fiscal Consolidation and Decentralisation: A Tale of Two Tiers" by Julia Darby, V. Anton Muscatelli and Graeme Roy
2004-03 "Sticky Prices, Limited Participation or Both?" by Niki Papadopoulou
2004-04 "Sticky Prices vs Limited Participation: What do we Learn from the Data?" by Peter Ireland and Niki Papadopoulou
2004-05 "Spatial inequality and polarisation in India" by Farhad Noorbakhsh
2004-06 "The importance of a better design of conditionality for improving implementation of World Bank-supported reforms: The case of Sub-Saharan African countries" by Paul Mosley, Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
2004-07 "Should the Exchange Rate be in the Monetary Policy Objective Function?" by Tatiana Kirsonova, Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2003-01 "Regional Integration and Migration: An Economic Geography Model with Heterogeneous Labour Force" by Nicola D. Coniglio
2003-02 "Currency Boards and Chinese Banking Development in pre-World War II Southeast Asia: Malaya and the Philippines" by W. G. Huff
2003-03 "Linking Current and Future Negotiations" by Francesca Flamini
2003-04 "Settlement versus Litigation in Environmental Damage Cases" by Francesca Flamini, Nick Hanley and W. Douglass Shaw
2003-05 "Central Bank Instruments, Fiscal Policy Regimes, and the Requirements for Equilibrium Determinacy" by Andreas Schabert
2003-06 "On the Equivalence of Money Growth and Interest Rate Policy" by Andreas Schabert
2003-07 "A Sectoral Analysis of Price-Setting Behavior in US Manufacturing Industries" by Campbell Leith and Jim Malley
2003-09 "Assessing Money Supply Rules" by Ibrahim Chowdhury and Andreas Schabert
2003-10 "Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks with Changes in Open Market Operations" by Andreas Schabert
2003-11 "Augmented Sustainability Measures for Scotland" by John Pezzey, Nick Hanley, Karen Turner and Dugald Tinch
2003-12 "Human Development and Regional Disparities in India" by Farhad Noorbakhsh
2003-13 "The Impact of River Flow Restrictions on Instruments to Control NonPoint Nitrate Pollution" by Ashar Aftab, Nick Hanley, Athanasios Kampas and David Ogelthorpe
2003-14 "Mixed Instrument Policies to Control NonPoint Source Nitrate Pollution" by Ashar Aftab, Nick Hanley, Athanasios Kampas and David Ogelthorpe
2003-15 "A Note on Agenda Restrictions in Multi-Issue Bargaining" by Francesca Flamini
2003-16 "Electoral Uncertainty, Fiscal Policies and Growth: Theory and Evidence from Germany, the UK and the US" by George Economides, Jim Malley, Apostolis Philippopoulos and Ulrich Woitek
2003-17 "The Dynamics of Spatial Inequality and Polarisation in Iran" by Farhad Noorbakhsh
2003-18 "Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomic Stability and Finite Horizons" by Javier Andres, R. Domenech and C. Leith
2003-19 "Inflation Dynamics and the Cost Channel of Monetary Transmission" by Ibrahim Chowdhury, Mathias Hoffmann and Andreas Schabert
2002-01 "A Method to Estimate the Magnitude of "Hypothetical Bias" in Stated Preference Surveys of Passive-use Value" by Felix Schläpfer and Nick Hanley
2002-02 "Calibration of Stated Willingness to Pay for Public Goods with Voting and Tax Liability Data: Provision of Landscape Amenities in Switzerland" by Felix Schläpfer and Nick Hanley
2002-03 "Efficiency Wages, Unemployment and Macroeconomic Policy" by Jim Malley and Hassan Molana
2002-04 "Do Central Banks have Precautionary Demands for Expansions and for Price Stability? - Theory and Evidence" by Alex Cukierman and Anton Muscatelli
2002-05 "Dynamic Accumulation in Bargaining Games" by Francesca Flamini
2002-06 "Trade and Competition Policy: Anti-Dumping versus Anti-Trust" by Ian Wooton and Maurizio Zanardi
2002-07 "Wages, Productivity and Work Intensity in the Great Depression" by Julia Darby and Robert A Hart
2002-08 "Estimated Open Economy New Keynesian Phillips Curves for the G7" by Campbell Leith and Jim Malley
2002-09 (not currently available online) "Valuing the Benefits of Coastal Water Quality Improvements using Contingent and Real Behaviour" by Nick Hanley, David Bell and Begona Alvarez-Farizo
2002-10 "What's it Worth? Exploring Value Uncertainty using Interval Questions in Contingent Valuation" by Nick Hanley and Bengt Kristrom
2002-11 "Interactions Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Flexible Exchange Rates" by Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2002-12 "Fiscal Federalisam and Fiscal Autonomy: Lessons for the UK from other Industrialised Countries" by Julia Darby, Anton Muscatelli and Graeme Roy
2002-13 "Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions over the Cycle: Some Empirical Evidence" by Anton Muscatelli, Patrizio Tirelli and Carmine Trecroci
2002-14 "Taylor Rules in the Open Economy" by Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2002-15 "Antidumping: What are the Numbers?" by Maurizio Zanardi
2002-16 "Manufacturing Earnings and Cycles: New Evidence" by Robert A. Hart, James R. Malley and Ulrich Woitek
2002-17 "The Life-Cycle-Permanent-Income Model: A Reinterpretation and Supporting Evidence" by James R. Malley and Hassan Molana
2001-01 "Human Development and Regional Disparities in Iran: A Policy Model" by Farhad Noorbakhsh
2001-02 "Real Wages and the Cycle: The View from the Frequency Domain" by Bob Hart, Jim Malley, and Ulrich Woitek
2001-03 "ARCH in the G7 Equity Markets: A Speculative Explanation" by Lee Redding
2001-04 "Risk perceptions, risk-reducing behaviour and willingness to pay: radioactive contamination in food following a nuclear accident" by Nick Hanley, Jorunn Grande, Begoña Álvarez-Farizo, Carol Salt, and Mike Wilson
2001-05 Stevenson Lectures in Citizenship
- "Making Welfare Work: the Politics of Reform" by Frank Field
- "EU Enlargement and the Future of the Welfare State" by Hans-Werner Sinn
- "Globalization and the Future of Social Protection" by Vito Tanzi.
2001-06 "Real Exchange Rates in the Long Run: Evidence from Historical Data" by V. Anton Muscatelli, Franco Spinelli, and Carmine Trecroci (2001-06-figures)
2001-07 "What determines the demand for programmes providing local environmental public goods?" by Nick Hanley and Felix Schläpfer
2001-08 "Contingent valuation and real referendum behaviour" by Felix Schläpfer, Anna Roschewitz, and Nick Hanley
2001-09 "Grain Price Fluctuations and Witch Hunting in Bavaria" by Jörg Baten and Ulrich Woitek
2001-10 "Equity Style Cycles - Stylized Facts and International Evidence" by Bernhard Röck and Ulrich Woitek
2001-11 "Regional Tax Coordination and Foreign Direct Investment" by Andreas Haufler and Ian Wooton
2001-12 "Using conjoint analysis to quantify public preferences over the environmental impacts of wind farms" by Begoña Álvarez-Farizo and Nick Hanley
2001-13 "Unemployment and the Productivity Slowdown: A Labour Supply Perspective" by Campbell Leith and Chol-Won Li
2001-14 "Wage Inequality and The Effort Incentive Effects of Technological Progress" by Cecilia García-Peñalosa, Campbell Leith and Chol-Won Li
2001-15 "Compatibility Between Monetary and Fiscal Policy Under EMU" by Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
2001-16 "Estimated General Equilibrium Models for the Evaluation of Monetary Policy in the US and Europe" by Campbell Leith and Jim Malley
2001-17 "The Empirical Relevance of a Basic Sticky-Price Intertemporal Model" by Massimo Giuliodori
2001-18 "An Empirical Investigation of the Factors which Increase the Likelihood of Reforms in the World Bank Programme Countries" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
2001-19 "First Things First? The Agenda Formation Problem for Multi-Issue Committees" by Francesca Flamini
2000-01 "Adam Smith: An Historical Perspective on the Wealth of Nations" by Andrew Skinner
2000-02 "Rational Investment Behavior and Seasonality in Early Modern Grain Prices" by Walter Bauernfeind, Michael Reutter, and Ulrich Woitek
2000-03 "Adam Smith on the Mercantile System: The Unnecessary Loss of America?" by Andrew Skinner
2000-04 "Cabinet Formation in Coalition Systems" by Fabrizio Carmignani
2000-05 "E H Chamberlin: Oligopoly, and Oligopolistic Interdependence: The Issue of Space" by Andrew Skinner
2000-06 "On Policy Implications of Endogenous Technological Progress" by Chol-Won Li
2000-07 "Did Monetary Forces Cause the Great Depression? A Bayesian VAR Analysis for the U.S. Economy" by Albrecht Ritschl and Ulrich Woitek
2000-08 "Monetary Policy on the Road to EMU: The dominance of External Constraints on Domestic Objectives" by Anton Muscatelli, Patrizio Tirelli, and Carmine Trecroci
2000-09 "Growth and Scale Effects: The Role of Knowledge Spillovers" by Chol-Won Li
2000-10 "Central Bank Goals, Institutional Change and Monetary Policy: Evidence from the US and UK" by Anton Muscatelli and Carmine Trecroci (2000-10-Figures)
2000-11 "Modelling Recreation Demand Using Choice Experiments: Climbing in Scotland" by Nick Hanley, Robert E. Wright and Gary Koop
2000-12 "Evaluating Alternative 'Countermeasures' against Food Contamination resulting from Nuclear Accidents" by Nick Hanley, Carol A. Salt, Mike Wilson, and Meara Culligan-Dunsmore
2000-13 Rationing an Open-Access Resource: Mountaineering in Scotland" by Nick Hanley, Begoña Álvarez-Farizo, and W Douglass Shaw
2000-14 "Wages, Work Intensity and Unemployment in Japan, UK and USA" by Julia Darby, Robert A Hart, and Michela Vecchi
2000-15 "Economic and Participatory Approaches to Environmental Evaluation" by Wendy Kenyona and Nick Hanley
2000-17 "Some New International Comparison of Productivity Performance at the Sectoral Level" by Jim Malley, Anton Muscatelli and Ulrich Woitek (2000-17 figures)
2000-19 "Do Excessive Wages Increase Imports? Theory and Evidence" by Jim Malley and Thomas Moutos
2000-20 "Monopolistic Competition, Efficiency Wages and the Perverse Effects of Demand Shocks" Jim Malley and Hassan Molana
2000-22 "Asset Markets and Endogenous Liquidity" by Lee Redding and Hamid Faruqee
1999-01 "Endogenous vs. Semi-Endogenous Growth in a Two-R&D-Sector Model" by Chol-Won Li
1999-02 "Further Observations on the Political Business Cycle in German Monetary Aggregates" by Helge Berger and Ulrich Woitek
1999-03 "'Hot Markets', Conditional Volatility, and Foreign Exchange" by Hamid Faruqee and Lee Redding
1999-04 "Moral Hazard and Guarantee Arrangements: A Case Study of Lloyd’s" by Andrew Bain
1999-05 "Are There Classical Business Cycles?" by Michael Reiter and Ulrich Woitek
1999-06 "Can Risk Aversion Explain The Demand for Dividends?" by Lee Redding
1999-07 "The implementation of policy conditions in structural adjustment programmes: The case of Sub-Saharan African countries" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
1999-08 "Rivalry in Uncertain Export Markets: Commitment versus Flexibility" by Gerda Dewit and Dermot Leah
1999-09 "Fighting over Uncertain Demand: Capital Commitment versus Flexibility" by Gerda Dewit and Dermot Leahy
1999-10 "More International Evidence on the Historical Properties of Business Cycles" by Brian A'Hearn and Ulrich Woitek
1999-11 "Competitive tendering in the Scottish National Health Service. Was it compulsory, and did it make a difference?" by Robin Milne and Robert Wright
1999-13 "On the Cyclicality and Stability of Real Earnings" by Bob Hart and Jim Malley
1999-14 "Endogenous Liquidity Providers and Exchange Rate Dynamics (Supplementary Material)" by Hamid Faruqee and Lee Redding
1999-15 "Real Business Cycles or Sticky Prices? The Impact of Technology Shocks on US Manufacturing" by Jim Malley, Anton Muscatelli, and Ulrich Woitek
1999-16 "Measures of Political Instability in Multiparty Governments: A New Data Set With Econometric Applications" by Fabrizio Carmignani
1999-17 "A Note on Testing for Tax-Smoothing in General Equilibrium" by Jim Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
1999-18 "Economic Growth and Endogenous Fiscal Policy: In Search of a Data Consistent General Equilibrium Model" by Jim Malley and Apostolis Philippopoulos
1999-19 "Low wages or skilled labour? Prospects for foreign direct investment in developing countries" by Farhad Noorbakhsh, Alberto Paloni and Ali Youssef
1999-20 "Does Institutional Change Really Matter? Inflation Targets, Central Bank Reform And Interest Rate Policy in the OECD Countries" by Anton Muscatelli, Patrizio Tirelli and Carmine Trecroci
1999-21 "Purchasing Power Parity and Real Exchange Rates: Do Productivity Trends and Fiscal Policy Matter?" by Anton Muscatelli and Franco Spinelli (1999-21 figures)
1999-22 "Testing for Tax Smoothing in a General Equilibrium Model of Growth" by Jim Malley, Apostolis Philippopoulos, and George Economides
1998-01 "Inflation Contracts And Inflation Targets Under Uncertainty: Why We Might Need Conservative Bankers" by Anton Muscatelli
1998-02 "Labour Force Participation and the Business Cycle: A Comparative Analysis of Europe, Japan and the United States" by Julia Darby, Robert A Hart, and Michaela Vecchi
1998-03 "The State of Industry in Sub-Saharan African Countries Undertaking Structural Adjustment Programmes" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
1998-04 "Fiscal Policy and the Composition of Private Consumption: Some Evidence from the U.S. and Canada" by Jim Malley and Hassan Molana
1998-05 "The Interaction Between Business Cycles and Productivity Growth: Evidence from US Industrial Data" by Jim Malley, Anton Muscatelli, and Ulrich Woitek
1998-06 "Modelling Stock Market Excess Returns by Markov Modulated Gaussian Noise" by Jonathan Manton, Anton Muscatelli, Vikram Krishnamurthy, and Stan Hurn
1998-07 "Adam Smith: The Philosopher and the Porter" by Andrew Skinner
1998-08 "Risky Business: Intra-Firm Trade with Foreign Commercial Risk and Asymmetric Insurance" by Gerda Dewit
1998-09 "Economic Geography and the Fiscal Effects of Regional Integration" by Rodney D. Ludema and Ian Wooton
1998-10 "Growth and Output Fluctuations" by Chol-Won Li (Revised in October 1998)
1998-11 "Height Cycles in the 18th and 19th Centuries" by Ulrich Woitek
1998-12 "International Competition for Foreign Multinational Investment" by Jan I. Haaland and Ian Wooton
1998-13 "A Note on the Baxter-King Filter" by Ulrich Woitek
1998-14 "Does Conservatism Matter? A Time Series Approach to Central Banking" by Helge Berger and Ulrich Woitek
1998-15 "Institutional Change, Inflation Targeting and the Stability of Interest Rate Reaction Functions" by V. Anton Muscatelli, Patrizio Tirelli, and Carmine Trecroci
1998-16 "The Economic Growth of Serious and Less Serious Reformers: A Look at Structural Adjustment Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
1998-17 "Integrating Environmental Impact Assessment and Economic Appraisal in Project Planning" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Sanjeev Ranjan
1998-18 "Stochastic Variety Innovation in a Growth Model" by Chol-Won Li
1998-19 "Endogenous Growth Without Scale Effects: Comment" by Chol-Won Li (Revised in January 1999)
1998-20 "Capital Accumulation and Unemployment: A Tale of Two 'Continents'" by Jim Malley and Thomas Moutos
1998-21 "Real Wages and the Structure of Imports: Theory and Evidence" by Jim Malley and Thomas Moutos
1998-22 "Political Uncertainty, Public Expenditure and Growth" by Julia Darby, Chol-Won Li and V. Anton Muscatelli
1997-01 "Structural Adjustments and Standards of Living in Developing Countries" by Farhad Noorbakhsh
1997-02 "Country Size and Tax Competition for Foreign Direct Investment" by Andreas Haufler and Ian Wooton
1997-03 "Adam Smith: The French Connection" by Andrew S. Skinner
1997-04 "Regional Integration, Trade, and Migration: Are Demand Linkages Relevant in Europe?" by Rodney D. Ludema and Ian Wooton
1997-05 "A Growth Model with Quality and Variety Innovations" by Chol-Won Li (Revised in January 1998)
1997-06 "Dynamic Complexity in a Keynesian Growth Cycle Model: Harrod's Instability Revised" by Mario C. Sportelli
1997-07 "Fiscal Policy and Imperfectly Credible Inflation Targets: Should We Appoint Expenditure-Conservative Central Bankers?" by M. Lossani, P. Natale, and P. Tirelli
1997-08 "The Permanent Income Hypothesis Revisited. Reconciling Evidence from Aggregate Data with the Representative Consumer Behaviour" by Jim Malley and Hassan Molana
1997-09 "Government Employment and Unemployment: With One Hand Giveth, The Other Taketh" by Jim Malley and Thomas Moutos
1997-10 "Ideological Polarisation, Coalition Governments and Delays in Stabilisation" by Chiara Dalle Nogare
1997-11 "Output Taxation, Human Capital and Growth" by Rosa Capolupo
1997-12 "Uncertainties Surrounding Natural Rate Estimates in the G7" by Rod Cross, Julia Darby, and Jonathan Ireland. (Appendix 1997-12, Charts 1997-12, Tables 1997-12)
1997-13 "Could Southern Italians Cooperate? Banche Popolari in the Mezzogiorno" by Brian A'Hearn
1997-14 "Assessing the Effect of Structural Adjustment Programmes on Export Performance in Developing Countries" by Farhad Noorbakhsh and Alberto Paloni
1997-15 "Science, Diminishing Returns and Long Waves" by Chol-Won Li (Revised in March 1998)
1997-16 "Insurance Spirals and the Lloyd's Market" by Andrew Bain
1996-01 "Flexibility, Structural Change and the Global Economy" by Anton Muscatelli
1996-02 "Competition and Co-operation in the Small Firm Sector" by Christine Oughton and Geoff Whittam
1996-03 "Industrial Structure, Pricing and Stagnation: a Model in the Spirit of Kaldor, Kalecki and Steindl" by J.E. King and R.J. Rimmer
1996-04 "Stagnation, Nonlinearity and Chaos" by Russell Rimmer
1996-05 "Business Cycles and Productivity Growth: Are Temporary Downturns Productive or Wasteful?" by J. Malley and V.A. Muscatelli
1996-06 "Institutional Change, Inflation Targets and the Stability of Interest Rate Reaction Functions in OECD Economies" by Anton Muscatelli and Patrizio Tirelli (1996-06-figures)
1996-07 "Boundary Conditions for Optimal Impulse Control of a One Dimensional Wiener Process" by A. Sivanantham and K.A. Lindsay
1996-08 "Zero Threshold Restoration of an Infinite Horizon Impulse Controlled Stochastic System" by A. Sivananthan and K.A. Lindsay
1996-09 "Inequality and Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective" by Chol-Won Li (Revised in February 1998)
1996-10 "Export Insurance Subsidisation and Undistorted Trade Creation" by Gerda Dewit
1996-11 "Reconciling Divergent Policy Objectives and Export Promotion. The Case of Official Export Insurance" by Filip Abraham and Gerda Dewit
1996-12 "Macroeconomics and Politics Revisited. Do Central Banks Matter?" by Marco Lossani, Piergiovanna Natale and Patrizio Tirelli
1996-13 "Labor Productivity and the Cycle" by Robert A. Hart and J. Malley
1996-14 "Export Insurance Subsidisation: Risk Coverage, Strategic Export Promotion or Aid?" by Gerda Dewit
1996-15 "Political Consensus, Uncertain Preferences and Central Bank Independence" by Anton Muscatelli