Applied Economics Seminar Series. "First Generation Elite: The Role of School Social Networks"

Published: 8 April 2024

17 April 2024. Professor Emma Tominey, The University of York

Professor Emma Tominey, The University of York

"First Generation Elite: The Role of School Social Networks"
Wednesday, 17 April 2024. 15:00-16:30
Room 281, Adam Smith Business School & PGT Hub


High school students from non-elite backgrounds are less likely to have peers with elite educated parents than their elite counterparts in Norway. We show this difference in social capital is a key driver of the high intergenerational persistence in elite education.

We identify a positive elite peer effect on enrolment in elite programmes and disentangle underlying mechanisms. Exploiting a lottery in the assessment system, a causal mediation analysis shows the overall positive peer effect reflects a positive effect on application behaviour (conditional on GPA), which dominates a negative effect on student GPA. We consider implications for income mobility finding that encouraging further mixing between elite and non-elite students in high school could improve mobility across the whole distribution.


Emma is an applied microeconomist interested in inequalities and human capital, often using big data combined with quasi-experimental methods.

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First published: 8 April 2024