Macroeconomics Seminar Series. Innovation-driven growth in a multi-country world

Published: 4 March 2024

18 April. Professor Paul Klein, Stockholm University

Professor Paul Klein, Stockholm University

"Innovation-driven growth in a multi-country world"
Thursday, 18 April. 3 p.m.
Room 355 Gilbert Scott Building


We develop a multi-country model of endogenous growth through innovation. The key feature of the model is that some ideas are globally applicable, while others are of local use only. Each country consists of a number of locations. There are innovation spillovers across locations and therefore across country borders. We argue that this model is both inherently plausible and consistent with an important set of growth facts.
For instance, by computing a transition, we show that the model is capable of replicating a protracted decline in measured research productivity in the rich part of the world.


Professor of Macroeconomics, Stockholm University since 2015. Previously a faculty member at the University of Western Ontario, the University of Southampton and Simon Fraser University.

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First published: 4 March 2024