Human Resources Management and Organisational Behaviour Seminar. Trusting when Happy or Happy when Trusting? Considering the role of emotion in trust decisions

Published: 21 March 2023

3 May. Dr Lisa van der Werff, Dublin City University.

Dr Lisa van der Werff, Dublin City University.

"Trusting when Happy or Happy when Trusting? Considering the role of emotion in trust decisions."
Wednesday, 3 May. 10:30 am
Room 248, Wolfson Medical School


This talk will explore the state of the literature in studying affect and emotion as a basis for trusting decisions. Drawing on the decision-making literature, I will highlight some potential avenues through which emotion is likely to impact trust and highlight avenues for future research in this space. I will also share some early work in investigating relationships between trust and affect in workplace settings. First, longitudinal data exploring the possibility of a reciprocal relationship where by experiencing trust at work influences our experiences of affect in the workplace while experiences of affect in the workplace influence the extent to which we are willing to trust our colleagues. Second, field and experimental studies that examine how emotion display and interpersonal emotion regulation influence trust in leader-follower relationships.


Dr Lisa van der Werff is an Associate Professor of Organisational Psychology, Director of Doctoral Studies and Co-Director of the Irish Institute of Digital Business at DCU Business School. As well as organisational psychology, her teaching includes a focus on research methods and critical thinking skills, and she is currently developing a module for PhD students on writing for academic publication. Her research focuses on trust and investigates the processes underlying relationships between colleagues, people and organisations and people and technology. Lisa has published her work in a range of academic journals (e.g., Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Organization Science, Computers in Human Behavior) and practitioner-oriented outlets (e.g., Harvard Business Review). Lisa is currently President of FINT (, Deputy Editor in Chief of the Journal of Trust Research and sits on the Editorial Board of Human Relations. She received her PhD from DCU in 2014 and, prior to that, worked as human resources professional in the professional services industry.

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First published: 21 March 2023

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