Designing and using world-class business education (spaces)

Presenters: Prof Moira Fischbacher-Smith, Dr Sarah Robinson, Dr Vicki Dale

This session will provide attendees with the opportunity to find out about plans for the new Adam Smith Business School building and to ensure that it is optimised for Business School learning and teaching. It will start with a brief introduction to the new building and the current plans from the architects, and will explain how Adam Smith Business School staff can feed into the project. Professor Fischbacher-Smith will then talk about the bigger picture with regard to the UofG refurbishment and put this into the context of similar developments in HE nationally and internationally. Next Dr Vicki Dale will introduce some teaching techniques which can help to facilitate active learning, and show how these might be adapted to the different teaching spaces available at UofG now and in the future. Attendees will then have the opportunity to talk with the presenters about the types of teaching spaces that might be possible in the new building, and to provide feedback which the architects can use to help to inform their design.

Slides: LT Seminar 1 Nov MFS.pptx ,LT Seminar 1 Nov SR.pptx ,LT Seminar 1 Nov VHD.pptx