Undergraduate Talent Scholarships
Undergraduate Talent Scholarships
The University of Glasgow is awarding c.50 undergraduate Talent Scholarships to support students who could face financial difficulties in taking up their place to study at the University for 2025 entry. The value of each scholarship is typically £1,500 p.a. for each year of the degree programme, subject to satisfactory progress. Talent Scholarships are available to students entering any of the University's Colleges.
Dental School students are eligible for a Talent Scholarship in their first year of study only. They are eligible for the NHS Dental Student Support Grant in the following years.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- be ordinarily resident in Scotland for 3 years prior to the start of their programme, for a purpose other than studying, and be classified as a 'Home' student for fee purposes.
- hold the offer of a place to study, full-time, at the University of Glasgow in the 2025/26 session.
- be undertaking their first undergraduate degree.
- provide evidence that their, or their family's, circumstances are such that they may find it difficult to take up a place at the University for financial or other reasons.
- provide evidence of excellent academic achievement before starting University (see below).
Academic Criteria
The Talent Scholarships Panel will give significant weight to academic attainment. As the scholarships are competitive, the level of academic attainment necessary to obtain a scholarship will depend on the field of applicants in any given year. The Panel would, however, normally expect a Talent Scholarship holder to have minimum qualifications that were broadly comparable to their UCAS offer: BBBB-AABB at Higher.
SWAP applicants are required to have a minimum of ABB.
University of Glasgow Access
(Applications from students participating in other access programmes will be considered on individual merit)
HN Qualifications
Applicants must normally achieve A grades in each of their Graded Units to be considered for a Talent Scholarship.
Number of Scholarships
c.50Eligible countries/regions
- Scotland
Eligible programmes
- Accountancy & Finance[BAcc]
- Accounting & Mathematics[BSc]
- Accounting & Statistics[BSc]
- Aeronautical Engineering[BEng/MEng]
- Aerospace Systems[BEng/MEng]
- Anatomy[BSc/MSci]
- Ancient History[MA]
- Archaeology[BSc/MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Astronomy[BSc/MSci]
- Biochemistry[BSc/MSci]
- Biomedical Engineering[BEng/MEng]
- Business & Management[BSc/MA/LLB/MA(SocSci)]
- Business Economics[MA(SocSci)]
- Celtic Civilisation[MA]
- Celtic Studies[MA]
- Central & East European Studies[MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Chemical Physics[BSc/MSci]
- Chemistry[BSc/MSci]
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry[BSc/MSci]
- Childhood Practice[BA]
- Civil Engineering[BEng/MEng]
- Civil Engineering with Architecture[BEng/MEng]
- Classics (Classical Civilisation)[MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Common Law[LLB]
- Community Development[BA]
- Comparative Literature[MA]
- Computing Science[BSc/MA/MSci]
- Computing Science (faster route)[BSc/MSci]
- Creative Arts & Industries[MA]
- Dentistry[BDS]
- Design & Technology Education[MDTechEd]
- Digital Media & Information Studies[MA]
- Economic & Social History[MA/LLB/MA(SocSci)]
- Economics[BAcc/BSc/MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Education with Primary Teaching Qualification[MEduc]
- Electronic & Software Engineering[BSc/BEng/MEng]
- Electronics & Electrical Engineering[BEng/MEng]
- Electronics with Music[BEng/MEng]
- English Language & Linguistics[MA]
- English Literature[MA/LLB]
- Environmental Geoscience[BSc]
- Environmental Science & Sustainability (Dumfries campus)[BSc]
- Film & Television Studies[MA]
- Finance[BFin]
- Finance & Mathematics[BSc]
- Finance & Statistics[BSc]
- French[MA]
- Gaelic[MA]
- Genetics[BSc/MSci]
- Geography[BSc/MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Geology[BSc]
- German[MA]
- Greek[MA]
- History[MA/LLB/MA(SocSci)]
- History of Art[MA]
- Human Biology & Physiology[BSc/MSci]
- Immunology[BSc/MSci]
- International Relations[MA(SocSci)]
- Italian[MA]
- Latin[MA]
- Law
- Marine & Freshwater Biology[BSc/MSci]
- Materials Chemistry[BSc/MSci]
- Mathematics[BSc/MA/MA(SocSci)/MSci]
- Mathematics (faster route)[BSc/MSci]
- Mathematics/Statistics (faster route)[BSc/MSci]
- Mechanical Design Engineering[BEng/MEng]
- Mechanical Engineering[BEng/MEng]
- Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics[BEng/MEng]
- Mechatronics[BEng/MEng]
- Medicine[MBChB]
- Microbiology[BSc/MSci]
- Molecular & Cellular Biology[BSc/MSci]
- Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Biotechnology)[BSc/MSci]
- Molecular & Cellular Biology (with Plant Science)[BSc/MSci]
- Music[MA]
- Music[BMus]
- Neuroscience[BSc/MSci]
- Nursing[BN]
- Pharmacology[BSc/MSci]
- Philosophy[BSc/MA/LLB/MA(SocSci)]
- Physics / Theoretical Physics[BSc/MSci]
- Physics with Astrophysics[BSc/MSci]
- Politics[MA/LLB/MA(SocSci)]
- Portuguese[MA]
- Primary Education with Teaching Qualification (Dumfries campus)[MA]
- Psychology[BSc/MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Quantitative Methods[MA(SocSci)]
- Russian[MA]
- Scots Law[LLB]
- Scottish History[MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Scottish Literature[MA]
- Social & Public Policy[MA/LLB/MA(SocSci)]
- Sociology[MA/MA(SocSci)]
- Software Engineering[BSc/MSci]
- Software Engineering (Graduate Apprenticeship)[BSc]
- Software Engineering (faster route)[BSc/MSci]
- Spanish[MA]
- Sport & Exercise Science[BSc/MSci]
- Statistics[BSc/MSci]
- Statistics (faster route)[BSc/MSci]
- Theatre Studies[MA]
- Theology & Religious Studies[BD/MA]
- Veterinary Biosciences[BSc/MSci]
- Veterinary Medicine & Surgery[BVMS]
- Zoology[BSc/MSci]
£1,500 per year, for each year of degree programme.
How to apply
Please submit your application by selecting the "Apply Now" button at the top of this page. If you have not yet received an offer for a programme from the University of Glasgow, please wait until your offer is confirmed before applying. Submitting a scholarship application without a programme offer will render your application invalid.
The application deadline is 11:00 pm on 1st June 2025. No applications will be accepted after this date.
Please note:
As part of this application form you will be asked to include 2 personal statements:
1. A statement detailing your motivation and commitment to education
2. A statement detailing financial and family circumstances which would make it difficult to take up your place at university without a talent scholarship
We recommend that you compose and save your statements separately before commencing your application form. You can then copy and paste your statements into the relevant section of the form. There is a 4000 word character limit on each.
You will be asked to provide financial information, such as household income information.
You will also need to provide details of a referee (teacher, college tutor etc.) who can provide a supporting statement. It is your responsibility to contact your referee and request that they send the reference to scholarships@glasgow.ac.uk before the application deadline.
PLEASE NOTE: As the applicant, it is your responsibility to upload relevant supporting evidence, as requested through the application form.
Unfortunately, applications cannot and will not be considered without the required supporting evidence.