SIPHER Inclusive Economy DataSets

The SIPHER Inclusive Economy Datasets were developed to provide a meaningful collection of data that can be used by researchers and policy actors to explore the extent and nature of economic inclusion across Great Britain.

A key topic of interest for SIPHER is the relationship between inclusive economy policies and wider health outcomes and inequalities. To help explore this we developed this set of inclusive economy indicators for use in modelling work.  

Currently, there is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes an inclusive economy. At SIPHER we focus on economic inclusion rather than inclusive growth. Our collection of 13 key inclusive economy indicators was informed by an iterative co-production process with policy partners.

A Technical Paper on the development of the Local Authority Level Dataset originally published in August 2022 was revised in June 2023 to address subsequent indicator changes made due to data availability and reliability issues.  

The SIPHER Inclusive Economy (Local Authority Level) Dataset was launched in October 2023. 

The SIPHER Inclusive Economy (Ward Level) Dataset was launched in November 2024.

See Related Resources for a full technical report, summary overview and indicator set workbooks. 

OSF Repository Dataset for SIPHER Inclusive Economy (Local Authority Level)

OSF Repository Dataset for SIPHER Inclusive Economy (Ward Level)

Interactive Map: SIPHER Inclusive Economy (Local Authority Level)

Interactive Map: SIPHER Inclusive Economy (Ward Level)

Related Resources



  • Article on the association of quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) and the inclusive economy - March 2024

This publication provides a novel statistical approach to the estimation of quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) for small areas in Great Britain. By studying it’s association with 13 inclusive economy indicators the paper highlights policy priorities for improving population health and reducing health inequalities. All analysis and data are provided as part of a supplementary reproducibility pack.

Estimating quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) for local authorities in Great Britain and its association with indicators of the inclusive economy: a cross-sectional study

Reproducibility pack with detailed analysis and results  - includes all code and data


  • Revised Inclusive Economy Indicator Reports   - June 2023

The Inclusive Economy Indicator Set: Technical Paper originally published in August 2022 was revised to address subsequent indicator changes made due to data availability and reliability issues.  

In addition, a shorter summary overview of the Indicator Set was also produced.  

SIPHER Inclusive Economy Indicator Set: Technical paper [PDF]

SIPHER Inclusive Economy Indicator Set: Summary [PDF]


  • Indicator Set now available online  - May 2023

The SIPHER Inclusive Economy Indicator Set  (local authority level) have been made available as an open access resource at the Open Science Foundation.

SIPHER Inclusive Economy (local authority level) Dataset at OSF