Previous seminars
2022/23 seminars
Semester 1
Wednesday 28 September 2022
Welcome event in the Hunterian Gallery
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary
Wednesday 12 October 2022
Workshop for prospective PhD applicants in gender history
Open to all at UofG
Remote: zoomlink will be posted on Moodle
Wednesday 26 October 2022
Research seminar: Alexandra Shepard, University of Glasgow, “Working mothers” in eighteenth- century London
On campus: Boyd Orr room 709AB
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary
Wednesday 9 November 2022
Research seminar: Jane Freeland, Queen Mary university of London, Transformations and Domestic Violence Activism in Divided Berlin (1968-2002)
On campus: McKechnie room, 10 University Gardens
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary
Wednesday 7 December 2022
Rosi Carr, University of Edinburgh, Scottish Masculinities and Colonial Violence: Governors John Hunter and Lachlan Macquarie in Eora Country, 1788-1820
On campus: room 203, 10 University Gardens
Open to all at UofG, no registration necessary
Semester 2
Wednesday 11 January 2023
Research seminar, on zoom
Alexis Wells-Oghoghomeh, Stanford University: Title TBC (race, women and religion in 19th Cent American South)
Thursday 19 January 2023
Workshop for MSc students, in person at NLS: Researching Women’s and Gender History at the National Library of Scotland
Wednesday 25 January 2023
‘Feminist Pedagogies Reading Group: Black Feminism’
Hybrid: Room 312 (Schaper Room), 67 Oakfield Avenue (accessed via no. 69)
Wednesday 8 February 2023
Research seminar, on zoom
Carolyn J Eichner, University of Wisconsin: ‘Feminism’s Empire: Sex, Love, and Transforming Frenchness”
Wednesday 15 February 2023
'Feminist Pedagogies Reading Group: Queer Approaches’
Hybrid: Room 312 (Schaper Room), 67 Oakfield Avenue (accessed via no. 69)
Wednesday 22 February 2023
Research seminar with Beniba Centre for Slavery Studies
Room 414 (Reid Room), 67 Oakfield Avenue
Jenny Shaw, University of Alabama: Title TBC
Wednesday 1 March 2023
Research seminar (in partnership with Women’s History Scotland)
Hybrid: McKechnie Room, 10 University Gardens
Charlie Lynch, Queen’s University Belfast, ‘Heterosex and Religion in the Long 1950s in Scotland’
Wednesday 8 March 2023
‘Feminist Pedagogies Reading Group: Digital methods’
Hybrid: Room 312 (Schaper Room), 67 Oakfield Avenue (accessed via no. 69)
Wednesday 22 March 2023
Research seminar, on zoom
Anna Becker, Aarhus University: ‘Oriental Despotism before despotisme oriental? Female Bodies and the Mughal Regime in English and French Political Thought’
Wednesday 19 April 2023
‘Feminist Pedagogies Reading Group: Indigenous Approaches’
Hybrid: Room 312 (Schaper Room), 67 Oakfield Avenue (accessed via no. 69)
May 2023 - exact date tbc
Annual lecture in global gender history - details TBC
Wednesday 3 May 2023
‘Feminist Pedagogies Reading Group: Masculinities’
Hybrid: Room 312 (Schaper Room), 67 Oakfield Avenue (accessed via no. 69)
2021/22 seminars
Semester 1
22 September 2021
all day: Postgraduate Conference ‘Gender and Resilience’, organised by the Hufton Postgraduate Reading Group
online event, open to all at UofG; contact for registration:
29 September 2021
2-4pm: Annual Welcome Event
on-campus event at the Hunterian Art Gallery (precautions in place); open to all PGs and staff at UofG; contact for registration:
6 October 2021
2-3pm: Archives of Sexuality and Gender (Gale Publishers): Introduction to the collection by the publishers
online event, CGH members only; link will be sent through moodle and mailing list
13 October 2021
all day: Postgraduate Symposium ‘Gender History and the Worlds of Care’ with University of Oxford, Sabanci University and Ghent University
online event, CGH members only; link will be sent through moodle and mailing list
Date TBC
‘Dissertation writing, PhD-funding and jobs inside and outside of academia’: workshop for Gender History Master students (org. Anna McEwan and Eliska Bujokova)
open to all Gender History MSc students; contact for registration:
17 November 2021
2-4pm: Dr Marya Hannun, Georgetown University: ‘Afghanistan's first women's movement and the movement of Muslim women (early 20th Cent.)’
online; open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list
8 December 2021
Double book presentation: Bracke, M A, Bullock, J, Morris, P, Schulz, K, Translating Feminism: Interdisciplinary approaches to Text, Place and Agency (Palgrave 2021); and Lynn Abrams, Ade Kearns, Barry Hazley, Valerie Wright, Glasgow: High-Rise Homes, Estates and Communities in the Post-War Period (Routledge, 2020)
on-campus event (TBC); open to all at UofG; register with
Semester 2
Tuesday 25 January 2022
3-4pm GMT
‘Women Making History: University of Glasgow and the Smithsonian in Conversation’
Online - registration here:
Wednesday 26 January 2022
3-4pm GMT
Research seminar: Dr Deborah Barton (Université de Montréal)
“A Female Voice is Instrumental.” Gender, Propaganda and Coerced Labour on the Eastern Front, 1943-1945
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list
Roundtable on gender and global climate change, organised jointly with the Global History cluster - TBC
3-4pm GMT
Research seminar: Prof Joanne Bagiato (Oxford Brookes) and Dr Michael Brown (Roehampton)
Pederasty, masculinity and politics: the case of William Bengo' Collyer
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list
8 March 2022
International Women’s Day event with Glasgow Women’s Aid
16 March 2022
2-3.30pm GMT
Research seminar: Prof Felicitas Becker, Ghent University
‘Morals and meals: Swahili Muslim reformists' claims on women's roles and what women make of them (contemporary East Africa)
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list
20 April 2022
2-3.30pm GMT
Research seminar: Milica Prokic & Maud Bracke
Presentation of early findings of the ‘Inventing Reproductive Rights’ project
Open to all at UofG; no need for registration; on campus, room TBC
21-22 April 2022
Charlotte Robertson (National Library of Scotland)
Presentation on the NLS’s collections in post-1945 women’s and gender history
On-campus event (TBC); open to all PGs at CGH
27 April 2022
2-3.30pm GMT
Research seminar: Prof Joanne Bagiato (Oxford Brookes) and Dr Michael Brown (Roehampton)
‘Radical Exposure: Masculinity, sexuality, and politics in the case of William Bengo Collyer (England, 1820s)
Online - open to all at UofG; no need for registration; link to be sent on moodle and mailing list
25 May 2022
3-5pm GMT
Annual Public Lecture in Global Gender History: Prof. Jocelyn Olcott, Duke University
Sexing Development: South-based Women’s Networks and the Global Politics of Feminism after 1975
Postgraduate masterclass by the speaker: date TBC
Registration will be via Eventbrite; online or on campus: TBC
June 2022
Knowledge Exchange workshop: ‘Feminist pedagogies’ with College of Arts LTS Forum – details TBC
2020/21 seminars
Semester 1
Monday 5 October 2020
WELCOME EVENT: CGH and MSc Gender History
Come along to find out more about the Centre and its work
Monday 19 October 2020
Prof. Laura Doan, University of Manchester
Bees and Birds - An Unnatural History of Modern Sexuality
Monday 16 November 2020
3.00-4.30pm, co-sponsored by CEES
Dr Chiara Bonfiglioli, University College Cork
Women and Industry in the Balkans: The Rise and Fall of the Yugoslav Textile Sector
Monday 14 December 2020
Dr Rebecca Mason, University of Glasgow
Persevering Women: Gender and Justice in Early Modern Scotland
Semester 2
Monday 25 January 2021
Thajilah Olaiya, 'Remembering the Queens of the Former Danish West Indies'
Pelayo Fernandez, 'Matriarchs, wives and queen: crucial women for the 3rd marquis of Santa Cruz de Marcenado
Wednesday 24 February 2021
Dr Peggy Brunache, University of Glasgow
‘Culinary Resistance in the French Colonial Caribbean: A Historical and Archaeological Exploration of Foodways of the Enslaved’
Monday 22 March 2021
Dr Katharine Jenkins, University of Glasgow
Race and Gender Kinds: A Pluralist Account
Monday 14 June 2021
Professor Patricia Owens, University of Oxford
Women's International Thought
2019/20 seminars
Wed 25 Sept 2019
WELCOME EVENT: CGH and MSc Gender History
Sir Alexander Stone Building, 204
Mon 4 November 2019
Hetherington Building, 130
Seminar: Dr Eva Antal, Esterhazy University, Hungary Reading, Friendship, and Writing in Mary Wollstonecraft’s Philosophy of Education
Mon 25 November 2019
Dr Peggy Brunache, University of Glasgow
Seminar: Culinary Resistance in the French Colonial Caribbean: A Historical and Archaeological Exploration of Foodways of the Enslaved
PG Masterclass: Fri 6 December 2019
Prof Sheila Rowbotham
For University of Glasgow PhD students and MSc Gender History students; registration will be necessary. Details to follow.
Monday 9 December 2019
12 University Gardens, 101
Seminar: Hannah Telling, University of Glasgow - ‘More harm than good?’ Judicial and extrajudicial responses to male sexual abuse in Scotland, c.1800-1914
Mon 24 February 2020
2 University Gardens, 209
Seminar: Dr Zubin Mistry, University of Edinburgh - Hard to Conceive: Fertility, Medicine and Monasteries in Early Medieval Societies
Mon 23 March 2020
Jointly with Centre for War Studies, 2 University Gardens, 209
Seminar: Prof Patricia Owens, University of Sussex - The International Thought of Claudia Jones (1915-1964)
Mon 27 April 2020
Sir Alexander Stone, 303
Seminar: Prof Heidi Kurvinen, University of Turku - Conflicting relations between the feminist movement and left-wing politics in 1970s Finland
Postponed/date tbc:
Prof Laura Doan, University of Manchester, Bees and Birds - An Unnatural History of Modern Sexuality
2018/19 seminars
24 Sept 2018
Dr Hannah-Louise Clark (University of Glasgow)
‘Pasteur and the Prophet: Germs, Gender Roles, and Notions of Cleanliness in Rural Algeria’
15 Oct 2018
Dr Martina Salvante (University of Warwick)
‘The Wounded Male Body: Masculinity and Disability in Wartime and Post-WWI Italy’
[Co-hosted with the Scottish Centre for War Studies]
29 Oct 2018
Prof Sarah Knott (Indiana University)
‘First Sleep, Second Sleep, Solitary Sleep: Towards a History of Maternal Sleep in Britain and North America’
5 Nov 2018
Dr Emma Barron (University of Sydney)
‘Women and Magazines: Learning to be Modern in 1960s Italy’
[Co-hosted with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures]
12 Nov 2018
Dr Yvonne McFadden (University of Glasgow)
‘Who chooses? Consumption, Gender and Homeownership in Post-War Glasgow’
26 Nov 2018
Dr Tanya Cheadle (University of Glasgow)
‘“Deeds of Daring Rectitude”: Jane Hume Clapperton and the Sex Question in Scotland, 1880-1910’
14 Jan 2019
Dr Helen Kingstone (University of Glasgow)
‘Representing Gender among Queen Victoria’s Contemporaries in the Dictionary of National Biography (1885-1900)’
*This seminar is at the later time of 4.00-5.30pm*
21 Jan 2019
Dr Christine Whyte (University of Glasgow)
‘“Woman Palaver”: Struggles over Wives, Fugitive Women and Adultery in Nineteenth-century Sierra Leone’
4 Feb 2019
Prof Françoise Vergès (College d’etudes Mondiales) ‘Decolonial Feminism’ [Co hosted with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures]
*Public event at the Hunterian Museum*
18 Feb 2019
Dr Mary Jacobs (University of Glasgow)
‘“A Good Name is Above All Riches”: Martial Manhood and the English Revolution’
4 Mar 2019
Dr Kate Law (University of Nottingham)
‘“One Has to Persuade the Bantu”: Family Planning and Apartheid, 1970-90’
2017/18 seminars
2 Oct 2017 Dr Kevin Guyan (Equality Challenge Unit): ‘Masculinities, expert knowledge and planning the British home c. 1941-1951’
16 Oct 2017 Prof Ana María Francesca Denegri Álvarez Calderón (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú): ‘Cutting the Knot: Travel Narratives by Maipina de la Barra, Clorinda Matto and Eduarda Mansilla’ [Co-hosted with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures]
6 Nov 2017 Dr Emily Ryder (University of Glasgow): ‘Teen Vogue and Off our backs: Reading teenage feminism across generations’
27 Nov 2017 Dr Rosemary Elliot (University of Glasgow): ‘Researching expectations and experiences of marriage in twentieth century Scotland’
22 Jan 2018 Dr Lucinda Dean (University of the Highlands and Islands), ‘Reaching the estate of manhood: a case study of James V’ [Co-hosted with Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies]
19 Feb 2018 Prof Diana Paton (University of Edinburgh), ‘Mary Williamson’s letter, or, seeing women and sisters in the archives of Atlantic slavery’
5 Mar 2018 Dr Laura Kelly (University of Strathclyde), ‘“A youthful, revolutionary zeal for bringing about real and sustained change”: Youth health activism, contraception and sexuality in Ireland, c.1984-1994’
23 Apr 2018 Prof Lynn Abrams (University of Glasgow), ‘Pursuing autonomy: self-help and self-fashioning amongst women in post-war Britain’
2015/16 seminars
12 Oct 2015 Dr Sarah Moss (University of Warwick)
Writing fictional history and historical fiction: a novelist's view
Chaired by Prof Lynn Abrams and co-hosted with Creative Writing
21 Oct 2015 Dr Nikolaos Papadogiannis (St. Andrews University)
Book Launch: Militant Around the Clock? Left-wing youth politics, leisure and sexuality in post-dictatorship Greece, 1974-1981
Chaired by Dr Maud Bracke and co-hosted with the Southern Europe Research Network
26 Oct 2015 Dr Natalya Vince (University of Portsmouth)
Our fighting sisters: nation, memory and gender in Algeria, 1954-2012
Chaired by Dr Jackie Clarke and co-hosted with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures
16 Nov 2015 Mary Jacobs and Catriona Macleod (University of Glasgow)
Mary Jacobs
"Not a meere mercenary Army": Military manhood and the people during the English Revolution
Catriona Macleod
"She knew her own name": Widows & business families in Glasgow, 1740-1830
Chaired by Dr Rosemary Elliot
30 Nov 2015 Dr Mark Seymour (University of Otago, NZ)
Against nature? The prosecution of same-sex sexual acts in late 19th century Italy
Chaired by Dr Penny Morris and co-hosted with the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research
18 Jan 2016 Dr Valerie Wright (University of Glasgow)
Where do the kids play? Gendered play provision for children in high rise estates in post-war Glasgow
Chaired by Dr Andrea Thomson
8 Feb 2016 Prof Jane Whittle (University of Exeter)
What is ‘work’? A perspective from studying rural women in early modern England
Chaired by Prof Alex Shepard
29 Feb 2016 Dr Vikki Turbine (University of Glasgow)
The role of 'inherited/imagined' memories: Why do young women discuss Soviet pasts in contemporary Russia?
Chaired by Dr Andrea Hajek
14 Mar 2016 Prof Julia Smith (University of Glasgow)
Gender and authenticity in the medieval cult of relics
Chaired by Prof Elizabeth Robertson
2014/15 seminars
22 Sept 2014 Dr Alex Shepard (University of Glasgow)
‘Minding their own business: married women and credit in early eighteenth-century London’
13 Oct 2014 Dr Lucy Delap (Cambridge University)
‘Feminist bookshops, reading cultures and protest in Britain, c.1970 – 1995’
3 Nov 2014 Prof Deborah Simonton (University of Southern Denmark)
‘What’s love got to do with it? Gender, family and urban economies’
24 Nov 2014 Dr Andrea Thomson (University of Glasgow)
‘“Just a relationship”? Marriage and marriage breakdown in late 20th-century Scotland’
12 Jan 2015 Dr Eloisa Betti (University of Bologna)
‘Gendering social conflict in Cold War cities: women workers unfairly dismissed in 1950s Bologna between history and memory’
2 Feb 2015 Dr Andrea Hajek (University of Glasgow)
‘The witches are back! Post-feminist activism and the legacy of the women’s movement in contemporary Italy’
23 Feb 2015 Dr Alessia Risi (University College, Cork)
‘From Italy to Denmark: do female features really change under bleak skies?’
Co-hosted with School of Modern Languages and Cultures
16 Mar 2015 Dr Anne Schwan (Edinburgh Napier University)
‘Women, class and writing about prison in 19th-century England’
Co-hosted with the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research
2013/14 seminars
Thurs 3 October 2013
11.00am, Seminar Room, Lilybank House
Angela Davis (University of Warwick)
‘Wartime women giving birth: narratives of pregnancy and childbirth from Second World War Britain’
Wed 16 October 2013
4.30 pm: Seminar Room, Lilybank House
Joan Tumblety (University of Southampton)
‘The self-help cure in post-war France: Marcel Rouet, gender and popular culture’
Wed 30 October 2013
12.30 pm: Room 209, 2 University Gardens
Alex Shepard (University of Glasgow)
‘Crediting women in the early modern English economy’
Wed 20 November 2013
4.00 pm: Seminar Room, Lilybank House
Maud Bracke (University of Glasgow)
‘Mapping the local, the national and the transnational in 1970s feminism: the campaign for reproductive rights in Rome’
Wed 11 December 2013
12.30 pm: Seminar Room, Lilybank House
Julia Reid (University of Leeds)
‘“She-who-must-be-obeyed”: matriarchy in Victorian anthropology and literature’
Tues 11 February 2014
5.15 pm: Gilbert Scott Conference Suite 355
Selina Todd (St Hilda’s College, Oxford): ‘The People: writing a history of working-class life in modern Britain’
(co-hosted by the Centre for the Study of Socialist Theory and Movements)
Thurs 13 February 2014
4.00 pm: Room 209, 2 University Gardens
Karen Harvey (University of Sheffield): ‘Beyond cultural and medical history: Mary Toft’s “monstrous” births in 1726’
Tues 4 March 2014
5.15 pm: Gilbert Scott Conference Suite 355
Sara R. Farris(Goldsmiths, University of London): ‘The political-economic foundations of femonationalism’
(co-hosted by the Centre for the Study of Socialist Theory and Movements)
Wed 5 March 2014
12.30 pm: Seminar Room 134, Main Building (access via the Thompson (Anatomy) Building’s car park)
Annmarie Hughes and Jeff Meek (University of Glasgow): ‘World War I, family breakdown and social regulation in Scotland’
Wed 12 March 2014
1.00 pm: Room 317,Hetherington Building
Penny Morris(University of Glasgow): ‘Defining “La mamma”: Notions of Motherhood in 1950s and 1960s Italian Print Media'
(Part of the SMLC Research Seminar Series)
Tues 18 March 2014
5.30 pm: Boyd Orr Lecture Theatre
Lynn Abrams (University of Glasgow): ‘How British is Scotland? A gendered perspective’
(Part of the Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies series: ‘How British is Scotland?)
Thurs 8 May 2014
5.30 pm: Humanity Lecture Theatre
Lynn Abrams (University of Glasgow): ‘Speaking the self: women narrating liberation in post-war Britain’
Fri 16 May 2014
4.00pm: 5,The Square
Gender& History Public Lecture: Lynda Coon (University of Arkansas): ‘Gendering Dark Age Jesus’
2012/13 seminars
Thursday 31 January 2013
Eleanor Gordon on 'Irregular Marriage: Official Attitudes and Popular Practice'.
At 11am in the Seminar Room, Lilybank House.
Thursday 14 February 2013
Klara Arnberg, from Stockholm University, who will be a visiting member of the Centre for Business Historyand Centre for Gender History: 'Mad Women: Gender and Sexuality Perspectives on Advertising in Sweden 1850-1980'.
At 11am in the Seminar Room, Lilybank House.
Wednesday 25 February 2013
Scottish Modern Italy Lecture Series and Centre for Gender History:
Dr Charlotte Ross (University of Birmingham), 'Rummaging in the Italian Queer Archive: "lesbian" cultural representation, 1870-1930'
Gannochy Seminar Room, Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow
For more information please contact:
Wednesday 6 March 2013
12.30-2.00 in Lilybank House meeting room
Klara Ahnberg (Stockholm University) 'Towards a historiography of the sex-related press: the case of Sweden 1910-1980'
Wednesday 1 May 2013
(2pm/room to be confirmed)
Penny Tinkler (University of Manchester), 'Researching girls and photography in the twentieth century'
Wednesday 8 May 2013
Women and the Value of Work: Past and Present workshop
Friday 17 May 2013

Gender & History Public lecture
4pm, in room 253, Wolfson Medical School Building
Laura Lee Downs (European University Institute, Florence) 'Women's social action and the reconfiguration of politics on the right in France, 1934-1947: The strange case of the Croix de feu.'
Gender & History public lecture 17/05/2013 (pdf)
2011/12 seminars
Lecture and postgraduate Master-class by Prof. Maria Luddy (Warwick)
24 November 2011, 11am: ‘The abduction of women in 19th century Ireland’
Seminar Room, Lilybank house
Master-class: details TBA; with the Hufton postgraduate reading group.
‘You play your part’: film
30 November 2011, 2-4pm: Screening and discussion with producer Kirsten Macleod and oral history witnesses of ‘You play your part’ (Glasgow, 2010). Govan women reflect on their lives and roles by the Clyde in a unique collaborative women’s history film project. Women who feature in the film will be available for Q & A after film screening.
Room TBA.
Wed 18 January 2012
The Centre for Gender History invites you to the screening and discussion of 'You Play Your Part' (Kirsten MacLeod, UK, 2010), on Weds 18 January, 2-4pm, in 2 University Gardens.
The film is a unique community-based, participatory documentary about women’s struggles in Govan and Greater Glasgow. Taking its inspiration from the Govan Rent strikes of 1915, the film tells the stories of campaigning women in the area. Produced and directed by Kirsten MacLeod with members of the Govan Seniors Film Group and the Platforum Mental Health Service, in association with Plantation Productions and the University of the West of Scotland. Please see the poster attached.
The film and discussion will be of interest to those working on social history, gender, community engagement, and memory.
No booking is required. For further information please contact Maud Bracke (
Thursday 8th March (International Women’s Day) 2012
Learning From The Past, Looking To the Future.
A seminar to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Scottish Women’s Aid
What can we learn from history? This seminar will bring together academics from various disciplines with practitioners from the field of domestic abuse.
It will contextualise the work of Scottish Women’s Aid (Scotland’s lead organisation working in the field of domestic abuse) in its historic, social and cultural setting. The seminar will highlight past struggles for recognition of domestic abuse as a serious social problem and consider how this history can aid us in the present and future.
Learning From The Past, Looking To the Future
Call for Papers: Gender and Transgression in the Middle Ages, St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies
4-5 May 2012
A two-day interdisciplinary conference for postgraduate students and early career researchers hosted by the St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Now in its fourth year, the conference aims to create a lively and welcoming forum for students and academic staff to build contacts, present research, and participate in creative discussion on the topics of gender and transgression in the Middle Ages. We hope to explore further how these concepts can be used to formulate new approaches to source material, drawing out fresh perspectives on both the familiar and unfamiliar.
We invite staff and students from departments of History, Modern and Mediaeval Languages, Theology, English, and Art History, in addition to scholars working in any other relevant subject area, to submit abstracts for papers of approximately 20 minutes that engage with the themes of
gender and/or transgression in the mediaeval period. This year’s keynote speaker will be Professor Elizabeth van Houts (Honorary Professor of Medieval European History, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge), who will speak on gender and marriage in the Middle Ages, with special reference to the Anglo-Norman period.
Possible topics for papers might include, but are by no means limited to:
- How may the terms “gender” and/or “transgression” be used as categories of analysis for the study of the Middle Ages, and how might they have been significant in mediaeval legal, literary orhistorical contexts?
- Can transgression be seen as a constructive force in the Middle Ages?
- How do gender and transgression participate in mediaeval conceptions of union?
- “Speaking up”: transgressing in the written and spoken word
- How are gender and transgression relevant categories for historians working in traditional economic, political, or legal fields of history?
All delegates are invited to attend an evening meal after the first day’s sessions, the cost of which will be covered for conference speakers. A buffet lunch and refreshments will be provided for alldelegates during the second day, which will conclude with an informal roundtable discussion and wine reception. Please send abstracts of approximately 300 words to the organising committee at The deadline for submission is Friday 23rd
December 2011, followed by the registration deadline of Monday 2nd April 2012. Conference registration may be completed closer to the time of the conference through the St Andrews University online shop.
Annual Gender & History public lecture: Prof Antoinette Burton (Univ. of Illinois)
Friday 18 May 2012, from 4-6.30pm: in collaboration with the journal Gender & History
in the Gannochy Room, Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow
Gender & History public lecture 18 May 2012
SMLC Research Seminar Series 2012
Susanne Kord, UCL
'Women' and 'Work' in C18th England, Scotland and Germany."
5.15pm, Wednesday 15th Feb, Room 216, Hetherington Building
2010/11 seminars
Monday 20 September 2010
Masculinity workshop: men's bodies
Friday 14 January 2011
Masculinity workshop: men and the family
Thursday 24 March 2011
Professor Maria Luddy (University of Warwick): the abduction of women in 19th century Ireland
at 11am in the Seminar Room, Lilybank house
Friday 20 May 2011
Gender & History is holding a public lecture on Friday 20 May at 3 p.m:
Dr Ulinka Rublack, Faculty of History, University of Cambridge, ‘The Gender of Fashion in the Early Modern World’
In room 711, Adam Smith Building.
All welcome
Thursday 26 and Friday 27 May 2011
Masculinity workshop: violent crime and disorder
Monday 27 June 2011
Seminar hosted by the Hufton Postgraduate Reading Group in conjunction with the Centre for Gender History at the University of Glasgow:
Professor Caroline Walker Bynum (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), 'Margins, Silences, Centers, and Noise: My Life as a Scholar'
at 2pm, in the Seminar Room, Lilybank House, University of Glasgow
Caroline Walker Bynum, Professor of Western European Middle Ages at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, is a world-leading historian whose ground-breaking book Holy Feast and Holy Fast was instrumental in introducing the concept of gender into Medieval Studies. During the 1990s, her widely-cited books Fragmentation and Redemption and The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christendom provided a paradigm for the history of the body. Her most recent work, in Wonderful Blood and the just-published Christian Materiality (2011), is a radical reinterpretation of the nature of Christianty on the eve of the reformations of the sixteenth century. In the course of her highly distinguished career, Professor Bynum's research and teaching have gained worldwide recognition.
In this seminar, entitled 'Margins, Silences, Centers, and Noise: My Life as a Scholar', Professor Bynum will discuss her own academic career and the related challenges she has faced. She will offer thoughts for those embarking on an academic career, before leading a discussion on women in the academic world, during which questions will be welcomed.
Tea, coffee and home-baking will be provided.
This event is sponsored by 'Senior Women @ Glasgow', University of Glasgow.
2009/10 seminars
Tuesday 13 October 2009
Book proposal workshop, in Lilybank house.
Tuesday 19 January 2010
Workshop: Maud Bracke will be speaking about her research on Italian feminism in the 1970s.
at 12.30.
Wednesday 20 January 2010
Prof. Nancy Hewitt, Department of History, Rutgers University, 'Not Our Mothers' Movement: Historical Amnesia and the Attenuated Legacies of U.S. Feminism'
5:15pm, Seminar Room (208), 2 University Gardens
(Joint seminar: Centre for Gender History/Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies)
Monday 22 March 2010
Professor Perry Willson, University of Dundee: The Nation in Uniform? Dress and Everyday Life in Fascist Italy
at 5.15 pm, in 2 University Gardens, room 209
(Modern European History series)
Thursday 13 May 2010
at 2pm: Karen Adler and Ross Balzaretti (University of Nottingham)
Gender & History: Retrospect and Prospect. A presentation on the state of the field by by the current editors of the international journal Gender & History.
This seminar will mark the arrival of the journal's UK editorial board in the Centre for Gender History at Glasgow University. Gender & History is the leading journal in its field and one of the top international journals in History. We are very excited to be bringing it to Glasgow and hope this will be just the first of a series of events made possible by Gender & History's presence here.
In the lecture room, 2 University Gardens
at 5.15pm: Launch of Gender & History at Glasgow - A drinks reception to mark the arrival of the journal at Glasgow University
In the seminar room, Lilybank House
2008/09 seminars
Thursday 28 May 2009
Centre for Gender History Away Day in Mar Hall.
Wednesday 13 May 2009
Research grants information session for staff.
12-2pm in the Lecture Room, 2 University Gardens
Wednesday 29 April 2009
Sarah Salih (Kings College, London):
- 2-3pm: postgraduate masterclass: Sarah will be leading a discussion drawing on Karma Lochrie's argument in Heterosyncracies that there is no premodern heteronormativity
in the McKechnie Room, 10 University Gardens (ground floor) - at 4pm: research seminar 'Can we speak of heterosexuality in the middle Ages?'
in the Seminar Room, 2 University Gardens
Centre for Gender History seminar
Tuesday 28 April 2009
Centre for Gender History sandpit event.
11am-3pm, in the Wolfson Medical Building (Wolfson Medical Building)
Wednesday 25 February 2009
Dr. Inge Dornan (Brunel University), ‘Wanton Violence: The Hidden History of Women in the Early Slave South’
in Room 208, 2 University Gardens at 5.15pm
Co-sponsored by Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies and the Centre for Gender History
Friday 30 January 2009
- at 1.15pm:
Publishing in Academic Journals - A session designed for postgraduates and early career staff to provide advice and tips on how to get your article published
In the Lecture Room, 2 University Gardens
The session will be led by:
- Professor Lyndal Roper: editor of Past & Present
- Dr Alex Shepard: former editor of Cultural and Social History (& editorial collective member of Gender & History)
- Professor Lynn Abrams: former editor of German History (& editorial collective member of Gender & History)
The session will cover issues such as: what to publish; where to publish; how to deal with reviewers' comments.
All Welcome. Coffee and biscuits will be served
- at 4pm:
Professor Lindal Roper (Balliol College, Oxford), Venus in Wittenberg: images of women in Cranach and Luther.
in the Seminar Room, 2 University Gardens
Centre for Gender History seminar
Lyndal Roper is an outstanding and influential scholar in the field of early modern women's and gender history focusing on the gendered religious and social history of early modern Germany. Her publications include: The holy household: Women and morals in Reformation Augsburg (1989) Oedipus and the Devil: Witchcraft, sexuality and religion in early modern Europe(1994).
Monday 26 January 2009
Rosi Carr and Katie Barclay (joint presentation): 'Love, Enlightenment (and Equality?)'
at 12.30 in Dr. Alex Shepard's room, 210A, first floor, 2 University Gdns.
Tea/coffee provided, bring your own sandwiches.
Early Modern Research Seminar series.
Tuesday 18 November 2008
Prof. Madeline Caviness (History of Art, Tufts University), The Sachsenspiegel Picture Books: Working to Put Women & Jews ‘In Their Place’ (cosponsored by the International Center for Medieval Art)
at 5:15 pm, in the Wolfson Medical Building, Hugh Fraser Seminar Room
Glasgow Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies seminar
Thursday 6 November 2008
Dr Pollie Bromilow (French, Liverpool University), Rereading Lucretia in Hélisenne de Crenne's Angoysses douloureuses. Dr Bromilow will also conduct a masterclass (time/venue TBA) on ‘Convent writing: An Emerging Genre?
at 5:15 pm, in 16 University Gardens, Room 205 (5)
Glasgow Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies seminar
Thursday 30 October 2008
Dr Truus van Bueren (University of Utrecht), His or Her Place: Gender Related Issues in the Medieval Culture of Remembrance, at 5.15 in 10 University Gardens, Lecture Room 203
Glasgow Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies seminar
5-7 September 2008
2007/08 seminars
Thursday 5 June 2008
The next meeting of the Hufton Gendering History reading group will be on Thurs 5 June at 6pm at the Hetherington Research Club.
For this meeting we will be discussing bell hooks. People planning to attend are asked to read:
- b. hooks, 'Changing Perspectives on Power', in Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center (1984, 2nd ed. 2000), pp 84-95.
- b. hooks, 'Columbus: Gone But Not Forgotten', in Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations (1994), pp 197-206.
- b. hooks, 'Postmodern Blackness', in Yearning: Race, Gender and Cultural Politics (1991), pp 23-31.
- b. hooks, 'Values: Living by a Love Ethic', in All About Love: New Visions (2000), pp 87-101.
Copies of the reading (to borrow - read/copy - and return!) are available from Rosie Carr's office - Rm 407 (24), 2 Uni Gdns.
All postgraduates, academics and other university staff are welcome to attend. As are history postgrads and early career historians from other Scottish institutions.
Tuesday 27 May 2008
Professor Emerita Same Jinty Nelson (King's College London), Trust between Generations in the Early Medieval West
at 4pm in the Lecture Room, 10 University Gardens
Monday 19 May 2008
Professor Lucy Riall, (Birkbeck, University of London), ‘Soldiers, martyrs and masculinity in the Risorgimento’
at 3.00 p.m. in room L411B (Modern Languages Staff Room, Livingstone Tower), Strathclyde University
Lucy Riall is an authority on 19th century Italian history. She has published many books and articles on the Risorgimento, including her acclaimed study Garibaldi: Invention of a Hero (Yale University Press and Laterza, 2007). Lucy Riall's lecture builds on the research she carried out for this book and will appeal to students and colleagues with an interest in 19th century European history, the history of warfare and gender studies.
Thursday 8 May 2008
The Hufton Gendering History reading group will be meeting again on Thursday 8 May at 6pm, upstairs at the Hetherington Research Club.
For this meeting we will be discussing Monique Wittig. In preparation people planning to attend are asked to read M. Wittig, 'One is Not Born a Woman' (1981) - reproduced in V.B. Leitch (ed) 'Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism', (2001), pp 2012-2021 - and M. Wittig, 'The Lesbian Body' (1975), pp 5-11, 68-81. Copies of the reading (to borrow and return!) are available from outside Rosi Carr' office - Rm 407 (24), 2 Uni Gdns.
All postgraduates, academics and other university staff are welcome to attend. As are early career historians from other Scottish institutions.
Friday 25 April 2008
Graduate Masterclass on Oral History: Theory and Method, by Professor Penny Summerfield, University of Manchester
11am-1pm in the Lecture room, 10 University Gardens
Penny Summerfield is one of the leading practitioners and theorists of oral history in the UK. Her books Reconstructing Women's Wartime Lives: Discourse and Subjectivity in Discourses of the Second World War(1998) and (with C. Peniston-Bird) Contesting Home Defence: Men, Women and the Home Guard in the Second World War (2007) have offered historians insights into the relationship between cultural representations and individual subjectivities.
This will be a participatory masterclass. Suggested preparatory reading:
Centre for Gender History Launch Lecture: Thursday 24 April 2008
Penny Summerfield, Professor of Modern History, University of Manchester, 'Public memory or public amnesia? British women of the Second World War in popular culture 1945-1970'.
at 6pm in the Hugh Fraser seminar room, Wolfson Medical building - C10 on map
Centre launch - poster
Thursday 3 April 2008
The third meeting of the Hufton Gendering History Reading Group will be on Thurs April 3, 6pm at the Hetherington Research Club (upstairs).
For this meeting we will be discussing Judith Butler's 'Gender Trouble'. Could I please ask all people planning to attend to read pages xxvii-xxxii, 45-49 and 163-180 from 'Gender Trouble' (1999). Copies of the reading (to borrow and return!) will be available from my outside Rosi Carr's office (Rm 407 (24), top floor, 2 University Gdns).
All postgraduates, academics and other university staff are welcome to attend. As are early career historians from other Scottish institutions.
For more information please contact Rosi Carr -
Saturday 15 March 2008
WHS Spring Workshop 2008: Traces of the Past - Mapping Women and Gender
10.00-17.00 in Baxter room 1.36, University of Dundee
Further details
Thursday 28 February 2008
The second meeting of the Hufton (gendering history) reading group for this term will be on Thursday February 28, 6pm at the Hetherington (PG) Research Club (upstairs).
This reading group provides the opportunity to discuss and debate gender and other theories and histories in an informal setting. All postgraduates, academics, and other university staff are welcome. Also welcome are postgraduate students and early career historians from other Scottish universities.
The reading for the next meeting (28/2) is Michel Foucault, 'The Will to Knowledge' (History of Sexuality, Vol. 1), Part 4, Ch. 4, 'Periodization'. Copies of this chapter are available to borrow and return from outside Rosi Carr's office, Rm 407 (24), top floor, 2 University Gdns.
Thursday 31 January 2008
The Glasgow University Gendering History reading group, otherwise known as the Hufton Seminar Series is re-forming this term. We will be holding our first meeting at the Hetherington Research Club (upstairs) at 6pm on Thurs. 31 January. All postgraduate students, academics and other university staff are welcome to attend; also welcome are early career historians and postgraduate students from other Scottish universities.
For the first meeting we will be discussing issues of masculinities and histories - and people who plan to attend are requested to read John Tosh, 'Hegemonic masculinity and the history of gender', in S. Dudink, K. Hagemann, J. Tosh (eds), Masculinities in Politics and War: Gendering Modern History (2004). Copies of this article to borrow and return are available outside Rosi Carr's office, Rm 407, top floor, 2 University Gardens.