Simone Stumpf

Published: 10 June 2024

Meet Simone Stumpf, Reader in Responsible and Interactive AI at the School of Computing Science at University of Glasgow

Dr Simone Stumpf is a Reader in Responsible and Interactive AI at the School of Computing Science at University of Glasgow. She has a long-standing research focus on user interactions with AI systems.

Her research includes self-management systems for people living with long-term conditions, developing teachable object recognisers for people who are blind or have low vision, and investigating AI fairness. 

Her work has contributed to shaping the field of Explainable AI (XAI) through the Explanatory Debugging approach for interactive machine learning, providing design principles for enabling better human-computer interaction and investigating the effects of greater transparency. The prime aim of her work is to empower all users to use AI systems effectively.


First published: 10 June 2024