Postgraduate taught 

Corporate Finance & Banking MSc

Resources and facilities

Resources and facilities

Accounting and Finance boasts three new computer laboratories. All computers have access to the accounting software Sage Accounts, statistical software such as SPSS and Minitab, bibliography software such as EndNote, qualitative research software such as NVivo, and online data sources such as Company Analysis.

We also have a unique resource in the Wards Research Library, funded by trust from the estate of James Cusator Wards, one of our first graduating BAcc students. This specialist reference only library provides access to a wide range of research material for staff, doctoral, postgraduate and honours students, and subscribes to over 100 accounting and finance related journals. The Wards fund also enables us to run the Wards Seminar Series, a regular series of research seminars by members of staff and guests from other institutions.

Our International Student Learning Officer for the College of Social Sciences runs a series of classes for international students on topics such as academic writing and also provides information for international students online.