Award-winning Scottish writer Janice Galloway will be in conversation with Jenni Calder, President of Scottish PEN at the Naomi Mitchison Memorial Lecture this week.

Janice will discuss aspects of life writing, including her recent memoir This Is Not About Me and her research on the lives and letters of the Schumanns for her novel Clara at the event at 6pm on Thursday 26 November in the Anatomy Museum and Lecture Theatre at the University of Glasgow.

The event is free and open to all and wine will be served from 5.30pm in the Anatomy Museum.

The Naomi Mitchison Memorial Lecture is presented by Scottish PEN ( ) in association with the Edwin Morgan Centre for Creative Writing.
At 5.30pm on Tuesday 1 December in the Adam Smith building, Lecture Theatre, T415 (4th Floor), poet Jen Hadfield winner of the 2008 T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry, will read and discuss her work with Glasgow University’s Professor of Poetry, Michael Schmidt.

She is the author of two poetry collections, Almanacs (2005) and Nigh-No-Place (2008). Many of the poems in Nigh-No-Place are inspired by Shetland, where she lives. Jen Hadfield is a graduate of Glasgow University’s Creative Writing MLitt programme. 

Further information:
Martin Shannon, Media Relations Officer
University of Glasgow Tel: 0141 330 8593

Jen Hadfield:

Janice Galloway:

First published: 24 November 2009