Update to Summer Exam Resit Dates 2025
Published: 13 March 2025
The dates for the upcoming Summer resit diet will be different than in previous years, to allow more time for marking after exams and before the results deadline.
We know some of you may be thinking about plans for the summer - which is why we wanted to let you know as soon as possible that the dates for the upcoming Summer resit diet will be different than in previous years. This will allow more time for marking after exams and before the results deadline.
While this may only apply to a small number of students at the moment it may apply to more of you as results are released later in the year.
The new dates are:
Start of examination period: July Monday 28
End of examination period: August Friday 15
While this may seem like a long time away for some of you we know that conversations around exams and resits can be difficult for some - if you feel anxious about waiting for results we have resources available for managing stress and maintaining positive wellbeing.
If you have any questions or concerns about this please contact your School.
First published: 13 March 2025