Top Tips On Managing Exam Stress
Published: 11 April 2024
The revision and exams period can be a stressful time. However, there are lots of proactive steps you can take to maintain your health, wellbeing and focus during revision and exam season this year.
The revision and exams period can be a stressful time, however, there are lots of proactive steps we can take to maintain our health, wellbeing and focus through this period. Here we’ve rounded up some top tips to help you feel calm and in control during revision and exam season…
Book a Masterclass!
To help you prepare to effectively manage your wellbeing through the revision and exam period, you can book a spot on one of our ‘Wellbeing During Exam Season’ Masterclasses. We’ll share further practical strategies for navigating the period feeling good and functioning well!
Maintain the basics…
When life it stressful, it can be really easy to stop maintaining the basics, but these are the things that give us a solid platform and keep us steady when life is challenging. Try and keep a focus on:
- Eating well - try to minimise sugar and caffeine and eat a rainbow of fresh fruit and veg.
- Drinking lots of water - people often underestimate how much hydration helps our cognitive functioning!
- Getting quality sleep, around 8 hours a night - if you're stressed, or struggling to relax and it’s affecting your sleep, there are lots of ways to aid getting a restful night - find helpful tips and strategies here.
- Keep active – regular movement is a great de-stressor and helps keep us feeling fresher and more alert. Do some desk stretching, go for a short walk or throw on some upbeat music and dance around! Check out UofG Sports for plenty more info.
Get a good routine in place, and set realistic goals…
- Think about when and where you work best - not everyone is a morning person, and there's no one best place or time to work, it's about what works for you. If you need to access the library as a place to study, you can check availability via the UofG Life App, available here.
- Form a realistic revision plan (remember, no one can study five subjects in one day) - having a clear plan of action helps to give us a sense of being in control and on top of what we need to do. Equally, don’t panic if you don’t stick rigidly to your plan – tomorrow is a new day.
- Take frequent breaks - research tells us that we can only concentrate properly for 30-45 minutes. Try using a technique like Pomodoro to structure your revision into bitesize chunks, and when you do take a break make sure you don’t stay at your desk!
Relax and take time off…
- It can be tempting to think we need to study and prep constantly, but this can be counter-productive and deplete your mental and physical energy levels, meaning you are less productive and less focussed. Identify the things that re-energise and relax you, and make sure to include these in your revision plans. Having a good balance is just as important as the amount of time spent studying!
Keep it in perspective…
- How you do in an exam does not define you as a person; we all cope differently under pressure and there is so much more to who you are as a person beyond how you do in an exam.
Ground yourself, and remember to breath..
If you feel your anxiety rising at any point, try a simple grounding technique, ‘5,4,3,2,1’: pause, and find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can smell, 2 things you can touch, and 1 thing you can taste. This will help ground you in the present moment, improving our focus and enhancing a greater sense of calm in those stressful moments.
Above everything else, remember to breath! We can use our breath as a tool to relieve anxiety, improve our focus and our concentration to name just a few benefits. Here’s how, in four easy steps:
- Inhale through your nose gently for two seconds.
- Hold your breath in for one second.
- Breathe out through your mouth slowly for four seconds.
- Repeat for one minute (or longer if you like) and you should feel a difference in your mood!
- If the 2-1-4 count feels too short, try to lengthen your breaths slightly. As long as you breathe out longer than you breathe in you’ll feel the calming benefit.
If you’re struggling, talk to someone…
All students have access to our 24/7 Student Advice line and partner app, provided by Health Assured. You can find further details here, including a link to download the app.
If you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health that is affecting your ability to function, you can also self-refer to Counselling & Wellbeing for one-to-one support.
Additional Support & Resources
As well as the above support options, there are a number of services available:
- Our trained Peer Wellbeing Supporters can offer confidential support on issues such as exam stress and loneliness.
- The International Student Support Team can provide support and guidance for international students, and you can find details here.
- If you are a student living in halls of residence you can contact your Residence Life Team who are on hand for a support, welfare issues and signposting.
The UofG Life app also provides useful links to health and wellbeing resources available to students. You can download the app via Apple Store and Google Play. You can also access the app via the University’s app website.
First published: 11 April 2024
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