Student studying, exams, stress

The UofG Reflective Writing Resource for Students is a comprehensive research-informed Moodle resource that aims to support students from across all 4 colleges at the University. Different to resources for reflective writing that you may find elsewhere online or in bookshops, this resource has been built with UofG specifically in mind. This is because it informed by a comprehensive analysis of assessment practices at UofG, an extensive literature review, a survey of UofG staff, and focus group interviews with UofG students. From this, the resource offers a number of this, for example:

  • a rationale and explanation of reflective writing practices

  • guidance on the reflective writing process

  • frameworks for reflection and ideas about how to respond to formative feedback on writing

  • suggestions and guidance about how to translate reflections into a written piece

Find out more.

First published: 8 March 2024

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