With a general election due to take place in the UK and the Presidential election in the US, 2024 is certainly going to be a big year for democracy, but it all starts right here with Elections Season at the University of Glasgow!  

Student Council Elections 

We kick off this big year of elections with the contest to decide who will sit on the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) in 2024-25. The SRC elections are open for all registered students to take part and vote in.  

Nominations opened on Monday 5th February, and close on Friday 16th February at 12pm. No experience is required to run, just enthusiasm and a desire to represent your fellow students.  

Voting is open to all students and will take place on February 28th and 29th via the UofG Life App. 

To learn more visit the SRC Website.  

Student Body Elections 

In classic UofG fashion, we not only have the SRC elections coming up, but also the elections for all of the student organisations: GUSA, GUU and QMU! 

  • Glasgow University Sports Association (GUSA) elections will take place on February 28th and 29th through the UofG Life App. 

Nominations for GUSA will open on February 16th and close on 21st February at 3pm – find out more here by following GUSA on Instagram or emailing the GUSA President.

You must be a GUSA member to take part and vote. 

  • Queen Margaret Union (QMU) elections will take place on February 28th and 29th through the UofG Life App.   

QMU nominations will open on 5th Feb and close 16th Feb – find out more here 

You must be a QMU member to take part and vote. 

  • Glasgow University Union (GUU) elections will take place on 7th March. 

GUU nominations will open on 26th Feb and close 29th Feb – find out more by messaging the GUU on Instagram 

You must be a GUU member to take part and vote. 

Rectorial Elections 

Not only do all 4 of the student bodies have their elections soon, we also have the contest to decide the historic position of University Rector coming up in March! 

Every 3 years, University of Glasgow students are given the opportunity to elect a Rector. We are one of only 5 Universities in Scotland to have this position.  

Previously the role has been held a number of famous figures from the worlds of academia, politics, activism, acting and beyond.  

Your nominated Rector candidates are: 

  • Dr Ghassan S. Abu-Sittah – MBchB, FRCS 
  • Susan McCabe 
  • The Hon Lady Rita Rae 
  • Paul Sweeney MSP 

Key Dates for the Rectorial Elections: 

  • Electronic Vote Opens: 9.00 Monday 25 March 2024 
  • Electronic Vote Closes: 16.00 Tuesday 26 March 2024 
  • All registered students are eligible to vote  
  • Voting is through the UofG Life App. 

More information on the elections and candidates can be found on the MyGlasgow Rector Election page. 

We hope your ready to take part in this big year for democracy, both here on campus and around the world. Good luck to all who get involved! 

First published: 8 February 2024

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