Anwen Zhang, COSS

Published: 17 April 2020

Anwen Zhang, Lecturer in Economics (Economics), COSS

What made you apply for the Glasgow Crucible?

I had just started at University of Glasgow and barely knew anybody outside my School. I found about Glasgow Crucible as part of the ECDP programme. It sounded a perfect opportunity to connect with colleagues across the University who were at a similar career stage as me.

What did you enjoy most about the event?

Networking with colleagues across the University was by far the biggest benefit for me. It was a wonderful experience talking with many people outside my discipline who share similar research interests. Besides that, it was also a fun event, that was well organised across a number of days and venues which made it fresh, interesting, and exciting all the time.

What direct impact (if any) did the Crucible have on your research?

The Crucible prompted me to make grant applications as early as possible. I sent out two applications in the following months, and was lucky enough to win one. The workshops run by the Crucible were immensely helpful in building my grant writing skills.

Why should other ECRs apply to attend this event?

Well, it’s hard to think of any reason why not. The cost is little (four days of your time), and the benefits are huge, professionally and personally, on networking, building skills, and having fun.


First published: 17 April 2020