Emily Draper, COSE

Published: 1 April 2020

Emily Draper, Lecturer in Chemical Robotics and Automation of Chemical Experiments (School of Chemistry), COSE

What made you apply for the Glasgow Crucible

Other ECRs in my department had been and recommended it. I had just been awarded my Leverhulme Trust Fellowship and was trying to start off my independent research career. Seemed like a unique opportunity to learn new things, meet new people and also change of scenery as the events were in different places. I try and do things that I think will develop my career but also are different to the other training courses that are available.

What did you enjoy most about the event?  

I liked the different activities, especially going out to Loch Lomond field station and staying in Drymen. The creative thinking one was probably my favourite activity, it made me realise how much I do and don’t approach my research creatively. I really enjoyed meeting people from completely different disciplines to my own, and to hear about their research. 

What direct impact (if any) did the Crucible have on your research? 

I couldn’t say whether it has any effect on my research directly, but it changed my research environment. It is nice having familiar faces from around the uni to say hello to, or to chat to in training courses.

Why should other ECRs apply to attend this event? 

Good chance to meet people from completely different disciplines. Makes you develop new skills or be more confident in the ones you already have. A chance to get away from research for a little bit!

First published: 1 April 2020