About the SafeZone app

What is the SafeZone app?

The SafeZone app allows you to record your presence on campus.

It is primarily an important part of student wellbeing and security, allowing you to get help when you need it. For more information on the safety features, see University of Glasgow apps.

It also gives student visa holders an easy way to comply with their attendance-monitoring obligations.

Why is the University using it?

Universities are responsible for the monitoring of their student visa holders’ engagement with their studies, and for reporting any changes in participation to the Home Office.

Using the check-in function in the SafeZone app means that we can quickly identify any potential welfare and wellbeing issues stemming from poor attendance/engagement, and then ensure students receive support and guidance.

How do I use it?

  1. Download the SafeZone app
  2. Sign in with your student email address
  3. Grant location and battery optimization permissions when prompted
  4. Tap ‘Check In’ at the start of each class (If the app has not checked you out after your last class, tap ‘Check Out’ and then ‘Check In’).

Do this any time you attend an on-campus class. This could be a lecture, lab, seminar, tutorial, etc.

The SafeZone app can also be used to contact the emergency teams on campus. Do not worry if you accidentally hit the emergency button; the Security Team will contact you to ensure your safety

What Happens Next?

Your check-in will be recorded safely and centrally by University staff. You won’t receive any emails or other communications from us – just continue to attend classes and record your attendance in the SafeZone App.

If you haven’t been recording your attendance in the SafeZone app, you will be contacted by the University and asked to account for your absence. You will also be formally reminded of the University’s expectations regarding your engagement, and of the consequences of continued non-engagement: withdrawal of sponsorship and exclusion from your course. The University will also highlight support available and guidance to get your studies back on track.