The University is continuing to develop its approach to environmental sustainability with the help of a working group comprising academics from all four Colleges, professional support staff and students.

At our last meeting, we considered draft policies on climate change, sustainable food and drinking water, and debated an app designed to increase engagement across the University community.

At present, we are focused on six main areas:

  • raising awareness;
  • carbon management;
  • promoting sustainable travel;
  • reducing usage of plastic and disposable products;
  • developing an integrated approach to sustainable food;
  • developing a sustainable approach to drinking water.

We also received a report from the student GUEST network and heard feedback from a student whose dissertation was on sustainability strategies in HE. We hope to share further, practical ways in which staff and students can get involved shortly.

Professor Daniel Haydon and David Duncan
Co-chairs, Sustainability Working Group

First published: 18 June 2018