15 November 5.30pm - 7pm, Glasgow

Public Lecture: Taking seriously the author’s interest in copyright by Rebecca Giblin (click for information and booking)

Copyright is fundamentally a system of incentives and rewards. But current approaches do a poor job of achieving either of these aims. Copyright’s incentive component is supposed to promote works’ continued availability, but rights are awarded in full, upfront, regardless of whether those investments are actually made – and very often they are not. The rewards component arises from creators’ moral claims, but the nature of creative labour markets means it very often ends up in the pockets of investors instead. Thus the ‘lump sum’ approach leads to enormous loss of cultural value – while still failing to get authors paid. Giblin will explore how taking authors’ interests in copyright seriously could provide the key not only to (finally) improving their remuneration outcomes, but simultaneously free up neglected rights for fresh exploitation, support the emergence of new distribution models and reduce oligopoly power

8 December 11am - 6.30pm, London

CREATe / BFI Education Screening Event: Copyright & Creative Reuse (click for information and booking)

The event will explore the role of copyright in relation to creativity, film archives, and education, with focus on creative reuse.  The event will bring together copyright law experts, film archivists and custodians, filmmakers and other creators, and provide the platform for a constructive dialogue between the people who preserve and provide access to existing films, and those who wish to reuse films in the creation of new work.

First published: 8 November 2017