Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to officially open the Performance and Development Review cycle for 2021/22.

As a university, we have much to celebrate. We have performed extremely well in recent years, as reflected in achievements such as retaining our position in international rankings, and our strong showing in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings. Last year the accolade of Scottish University of the Year in the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2022 was also welcome. We have seen impressive achievements in the recent REF results, which placed Glasgow first in Scotland for research quality. Our collective achievements have only been possible due to the ongoing commitment and effort of colleagues across the institution, and I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your continued hard work and dedication.

I hope that you will take the opportunity through our PDR process to reflect on your individual contributions to these shared University achievements, but also to think about the period ahead and our future challenges and ambitions as a university. We face considerable challenges ahead, not least because of the highly uncertain external environment. Public funding for universities is declining in real terms and this is a matter of concern. Our recent NSS performance is also something we need to address in the coming years, and these results will probably impact negatively in the next 12 months on our position in domestic league tables.

PDR is an opportunity to set our objectives for the next 12 months, considering how these will align with our University strategy and seek to address future challenges in our respective areas. When considering your objectives, in discussion with your line manager, I encourage you to think about not only what you aim to achieve but also how you will go about it. The way in which we set out to achieve our objectives is important, and consideration should be given to both our shared University Values and our wellbeing at work.

As highlighted in earlier communications, we made significant enhancements to our PDR approach last year and so I’m glad to say there will be no significant changes to the process this year. With the exception of Early Career Development Programme (ECDP) participants and colleagues within University of Glasgow Singapore, we have agreed once more that we will not use formal performance ratings. We will continue to utilise our bespoke online PDR portal with the focus remaining on: 

  • meaningful 1:1 discussion – the opportunity of a positive and productive discussion with your line manager/reviewer 
  • a values-based outcome driven approach to objective setting & delivery
  • career development planning – the opportunity to connect in a meaningful way to share reflections about your development and personal objectives.

Colleagues have now been given access to their online PDR form within the PDR portal*. The PDR process will be open from today until Friday 30 September 2022, and the review will cover the usual period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. In conjunction with your PDR reviewer, I ask that you now please schedule your PDR discussion before the closing date of 30 September.

If you require any assistance with this year’s PDR process, visit the PDR webpages for more information and guidance notes, or raise an enquiry through the HR Helpdesk.

I do hope that you will find the 2021/22 PDR experience to be supportive and helpful.

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli

Principal and Vice-Chancellor

*Colleagues within the College of MVLS: the 2022 PDR system will be made live slightly later, from early August, to allow the online PDR system to reflect the new College shape, which takes effect at that time. Further guidance will be shared in due course.

First published: 19 July 2022