A group of third year civil engineering students visited the Learning and Teaching Hub piling works last week to accompany their current geo-technical engineering studies.

Lead by colleagues from Multiplex, the students were brought onsite to see the ongoing construction for the £90.8 million building and given a unique opportunity to see a live construction site.

They were able to see piling, lifting operations, bulk excavation and exposure of the continuous piling wall.

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Piling is a technique used in construction to transfer load that a building applies onto good ground. It is a geo-technical engineering solution used when ground is particularly poor.

It was thought that in bringing students onsite it would give them greater insight into roles they could fulfil in the the future, gain site experience, and further understand health and safety precautions that must be adhered to on site.

Craig McAllister, Project Manager at the Learning and Teaching Hub site of Multiplex, said: “It’s a great opportunity for students to come and visit the site that is directly adjacent to where their classes are and enhance their classroom learning.

“We hope that the visit for the students has really brought their studies to life and given them a taste of future career options.”

The current site works directly link to the students course content of construction management and geo-technical engineering and the visit provided a varying approach

David, a third year Civil Engineering student, said: “It’s a very different experience understanding the structural engineering and the design phase, to actually stepping foot on site.

“To be around some of the machines and appreciate the size of them gives you a look into a different world that you only understand once on site.”

The Learning and Teaching Hub is set to be complete in 2019 and will be a creative environment, combining flexible study and social learning space with multi-styled and technology-enabled teaching. Around the clock access to this building will ensure that it is possible to succeed regardless of background or circumstance.

First published: 14 February 2018