Glasgow ARM
Published: 26 April 2016
Glasgow ARM (Advancement for Rwandan Medics) is holding its third annual general meeting tonight and is calling for volunteers to join their team of trustees.
Glasgow ARM (Advancement for Rwandan Medics) is holding its 3rd AGM tonight, and we need new volunteers to join our team of trustees, writes Fergus Taylor.
ARM is a student-led charity based at the University of Glasgow. It was founded 2 years ago as a student-staff collaboration, in response to reports of the challenges faced by some students studying in Rwanda.
At the College of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Rwanda, some students require support in order to raise the necessary funds for academic resources, tuition fees or accommodation. These students are training to be doctors, nurses, and other allied health professionals - and the trials presented by these challenges, whilst studying full-time, are incompatible with an excellent education. An endowment fund was set up for students at the University of Rwanda, which ARM exists to support.
We regularly undertake laptop drives, supply academic equipment, and fundraise with student groups in order to raise money for the endowment fund. In doing so, we’d like to enable all healthcare students at the University of Rwanda to reach their full potential.
If you think you’re capable of bringing new insight or experiences to us, or you’re just interested in helping us to pursue our objectives to improve access to academic resources, to reduce the financial burden for these students, and to contribute to the improvement of healthcare provision within Rwanda, then please come along on.
Tuesday 26 April, 6pm
Williams Room,
John McIntyre Building
University Avenue.
From this group we shall also be electing a new Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicity Officer for the coming year. More detail of the charity, as well as some information about the different roles will be provided on the evening.
This opportunity is open to all students and staff.
Find out more on the Glasgow ARM Facebook page.
Fergus Taylor,
Chair - Glasgow ARM
(Scottish Charity No. SC045481)
First published: 26 April 2016
<< April