A team from the School of Engineering was showcasing new techniques to study single cells at the Royal Society summer science exhibition in Londonthis month. 

‌Dr Julien Reboud, a research fellow in synthetic biology, together with colleagues and PhD students from Professor Jon Cooper’s Advanced Medical Diagnostic group (Frank Gesellchen, Rab Wilson, Elijah Nazarzadeh, Dileep Mampallil, Ben Tiller and Niall Geoghegan) were joined by researchers from Imperial College and Ashton University to present their work on the Proxomics projects.

TSingle cell exhibit he Proxomics project is a £4.6 million multidisciplinary research programme to develop techniques to study the behaviour and functions of cells at a single cell level.

The scientists involved in the project believe studying individual cells could be the key to understanding many diseases.

The “Single Cell Science” exhibit involved several hands on activities to engage the public.

Julien said: “This event was extraordinarily motivating. For a full week, we relished the opportunity to discuss our research into the use of acoustic forces to manipulate living cells with hundreds of visitors of all ages. There was a great interest in our exhibit and we greatly appreciate the feedback we received on potential uses for the technologies in healthcare.”

The exhibit was also featured on the Manoto TV Tech show “Science on stage”, a Persian language TV station based in London.

Follow the project on Twitter: Single Cell Science

First published: 13 July 2015

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