Campus Conversation returns
Published: 31 March 2014
Another Campus Conversation event is scheduled for 17 June. It will give University staff the chance to question and engage with senior management.
Another Campus Conversation event is scheduled for 17 June. It will give University staff the chance to question and engage with senior management.
Learning the lessons from last September's event in the Bute Hall, this year's event will be shorter (90 minutes) and will take place in the Sir Charles Wilson building lecture theatre. It will run from 1400 until 1530. The Principal, Professor Anton Muscatelli, will be on the panel along with many of the University's senior management. The moderator will be the writer and Gaelic broadcaster, John Morrison. The event will be streamed on the web for colleagues on the Garscube Campus and in Dumfries.
It is expected that the first results of the 2014 University staff survey will also be revealed at the June Campus Conversation.
Because of the limited seating availability in the lecture theatre, a simple registration system will be made available shortly. Members of staff will also be able to lodge questions in advance for the panel, or ask questions on the day.
Last year's event attracted nearly two hundred staff. An evaluation later indicated the great m,ajority of those who attended thought it was worthwhile and worth repeating.
You can still watch or browse the September Campus Conversation on the Information for Staff portal.
First published: 31 March 2014
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