Edward Snowden will be inaugurated as Rector at an event to be held on Wednesday 23rd April at 11:00am in the University’s Bute Hall. University staff are invited to attend the installation which will see Edward Snowden succeed the outgoing Charles Kennedy MP for a period of three years.

As yet University cannot confirm whether Edward Snowden will give his inaugural address via video link as details of the event are yet to be finalised.

The academic procession should assemble at 10.45am in the Hunterian Museum. For those wishing to take part in the academic procession, please email Irene Aitken in the Senate Office: irene.aitken@glasgow.ac.uk to confirm your attendance.

Unfortunately, staff will be unable to hire academic gowns for this occasion so must be able to provide their own academic dress in order to join the procession.

The Rector is elected by the students of the University and not only represents the students but is also, ex-officio, the Chairman of the University Court, the body which administers the resources of the University.

Edward Snowden was elected on 18 February in a vote by students of the University.


First published: 31 March 2014

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