The University of Glasgow is awaiting the outcome of this year's Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR).  

ELIR is the equivalent of the Research Excellence Framework for learning & teaching. It is coordinated by the Quality Assurance Agency (Scotland) and is a requirement of the Scottish Funding Council. It covers all credit-bearing academic provision, including research degrees and collaborative provision and is undertaken on a four-year cycle. The University was reviewed in 2004 and 2009. In 2004 the University received a judgement of ‘confidence’ and in 2009 a judgement of ‘broad confidence’; respectively the best judgements available.  

The two-part process began with a two-day visit by a panel of peer reviewers in February and culminated in a five-day visit last week.The review team met a range of academic and administrative staff and students during their visits in order to form an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s management of the student learning experience and academic standards.  

The six reviewers were: Dr Tina Harrison, University of Edinburgh; Dr Lorraine Anderson, University of Dundee; Professor Hilary Grainger, University of the Arts, London; Professor Bairbre Redmond, University College, Dublin; Ms Rhiannon Tinsley, University of Highlands and Islands and Mr Teddy Woodhouse, (Student Reviewer), University of St Andrews.  

The review team explored a wide range of topics including:  

  • Staff development and CPD
  • Student feedback mechanisms
  • Current and planned support for technology enhanced learning
  • Internationalisation
  • The effectiveness of organisational structures and communications
  • Widening participation  

The University expects to receive the initial Outcome Report within the next week or so.   This document will contain the judgement on the effectiveness of the University’s management of the student learning experience and academic standards.  The full draft report will be made available to the University for comment and amendment by the 30th May.  The University will then have three weeks to clarify or seek amendment to the report before a final version is published on the QAA website in mid-July.

First published: 31 March 2014

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