"Take the Survey!" - Principal / Unions
Published: 13 March 2014
The Principal and the University's trades unions have urged staff to take part in the Staff Survey 2014. The survey is now live and can be completed anytime until Friday 25 April.
The Principal of the University of Glasgow, Professor Anton Muscatelli, has urged all staff to take part in the Staff Survey 2014 which was made available to all University staff from Monday 24 March. His message is being echoed by the University's trades unions who say their members should take part so that their views and opinions can be taken into account.
For the first time, the 2014 Staff Survey is being conducted by an independent, third-party organisation, Capita Surveys and Research. You can find out more here:
Capita will contact staff directly via email and paper copies are also being made available for staff who find that more convenient.
Interview with Principal Anton Muscatelli (mp4 video)
Interview with Dr Iain Banks, UCU Glasgow President (mp4 video)
The University will be donating £1 for every completed survey. The charities selected are:
- Chancellors Fund - supporting projects to enhance student learning
- Scholarships Fund – unlocking the potential of talented young people from any background
- Student Hardship Fund - providing short-term emergency support
First published: 13 March 2014
<< March