Professor Paul Garside, is an immunologist and member of the Institute of Infection, Immunology and Inflammation. Paul is also an Associate Member of the Wellcome Trust Centre For Molecular Parasitology. He is currently spending 6 months in Africa, developing collaborations with Wellcome Trust Major Overseas Programmes, with a view to establishing and expanding partnerships with local scientists. Professor Paul Garside

Paul is spending his first three months at the KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme, CGMRC, Kilifi, Kenya , followed by a further three months at the Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Programme, Blantyre Malawi.

Paul recently arrived in Kenya to investigate potential interactions between non-communicable diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, and infectious diseases such as malaria. In Kilifi, Paul will establish some cellular immunology assays which were developed in Glasgow, and deliver a variety of seminars and workshops (including some in local schools). He also hopes to identify potential partners for future collaborative projects between Scotland and Kenya, which will bring together expertise and infrastructure from both institutes, and provide opportunities for technology transfer, training and capacity-building, leading hopefully to further joint grant applications and longer-term research programmes in the future. 


First published: 23 May 2013

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