New software for publishing reading lists
Published: 22 May 2013
Reading Lists @ Glasgow is a new initiative aimed at improving the management of student course materials.
Reading Lists @ Glasgow is a new initiative supported by the University’s Learning and Teaching Committee and is something which it is hoped will improve the management of, and access to, student course materials.
The new software provides academic staff with a fluid list creation tool. Staff can collect resources on-line in a manner very similar to online shopping and publish lists for their students to access anywhere at any time. The software allows staff to provide rich guidance for students and lists can be structured to complement the teaching schedule. The software also collates statistics on the recommended resources allowing staff to monitor the usage of the items on their lists.
Another beneficial element incorporated into the software is a link to the University Library. This means that students are given an indication of the location and availability of stock as well as streamlined access to electronic resources. For members of academic staff this link will also ensure that the teaching resources they expect students to access are available from the Library. The Library’s involvement will also streamline the processes for adding resources to the short loan collection and requesting digitisation though the Online Course Materials Service.
A pilot for the software took place earlier this year focussing on post graduate courses run by the School of History. Both staff and student responses were overwhelmingly positive. Staff have called the system “wonderfully easy” to use and student responses can be viewed at the following URL:
Since the end of the History pilot a number of Schools and individuals have expressed interest in using the software for courses in the 2013/14 session. At the moment use of the software is completely voluntary but assistance for staff who would like to use it is available. Staff time in the Library has been secured to assist academic staff in making the transition to use Reading Lists @ Glasgow to complement their teaching. Existing lists can be added on behalf of academic staff and then passed back for any updates or changes required for the coming session. Training and demonstrations are also available for individuals or groups across the intuition. The Library web pages have recently been updated to include further information about Reading Lists @ Glasgow:
For more information or to arrange a demonstration of the software please contact either or the Project Officer, Robbie Ireland, directly (
First published: 22 May 2013
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