Have you registered for your Learning Works Allowance but not yet used it?    

If so, do not miss out on up to £150 of funding towards the learning activity of your choice. Remember, you must notify Learning Works by 31st May 2011, at the latest, of the course or class you wish to take.

Choose from a wide range of learning opportunities in, for example: languages, sign language, computing, first aid, or funding towards an Open University course. 

If what you want to learn is not included in the list above it does not necessarily mean that you will not receive your allowance.  Contact Learning Works staff for advice and guidance on your choice of learning.  If it can be shown to be beneficial to you, and your department, then it will be funded.

All steps required to access your Learning Works Allowance, along with the forms to apply for the Learning Works Voucher, are on the Learning Works website http://www.gla.ac.uk/services/learningworks

For further information or advice contact:

Learning Works: Tel: 0141-330-2197        Email: learningworks@glasgow.ac.uk

First published: 17 March 2011

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