The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackMissing Missing   Folio 148 recto F148r
This image taken from the Thynne printed edition


7551   For if he thoughte harm, parfay,
7552   He wolde come and gon al day;
7553   He coude him-selfe nat Abstene.
7554   Now cometh he nat, and that is sene,
7555   For he ne taketh of it no cure,
7556   But-if it be through Aventure,
7557   And lasse than other folk, Algate.
7558   And thou here watchest at the gate,
7559   With spere in thyne arest Alway;
7560   There muse, musard, al the day.
7561   Thou wakest night and day for thought;
7562   Y-wis, thy traveyl is for nought.
7563   And Ielousye, withouten faile,
7564   Shal never quyte thee thy travaile.
7565   And scathe is, that Fair-Welcoming,
7566   Withouten any trespassing,
7567   Shal wrongfully in prison be,
7568   Ther wepeth and languissheth he.
7569   And though thou never yet, y-wis,
7570   Agiltest man no more but this,
7571   (Take not a-greef) it were worthy
7572   To putte thee out of this baily,
7573   And afterward in prison lye,
7574   And fettre thee til that thou dye;