The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 143 rectoBackBACKBackF142v Folio 142 verso   Folio 143 verso F143v

7093   Suche ben the stynkyng pphetis;
7094   Nys none of hem, that good pphete is;
7095   ffor they, thurgh wikked entencioun,
7096   The yeer of the incarnacioun
7097   A thousand and two hundred yeer,
7098   ffyve and fifty, ferther neuerv,
7099   Broughten a book, with sory grace,
7100   To yeven ensample in comune place,
7101   That seide thus, though it were fable:
7102   "This is the gospel pdurable,
7103   That fro the holy goost is sent."
7104   Wel were it worth to bene brent.
7105   Entitled was in such manere
7106   This book, of which I telle heere.
7107   Ther nas no wight in all parys,
7108   Biforne oure lady, at parvys,
7207   But I wole stynt of this matere,
7208   ffor it is wonder longe to here;
7209   But hadde that ilke book endured,
7210   Of better estate I were ensured;
7211   And freendis have I yit, pdee,
7212   That han me sett in gret degre.
7213   'Of all this world is Empour
7214   Gyle my fadir, the trechour,