7141 That no wyght may hem wel withstonde;
7142 ffor by that book durst not stonde.
7143 Alway they gonne it forto bere,
7144 ffor they ne durst not Answere
7145 By exposicioun no glose
7146 To that that clerkis wole Appose
7147 Ayens the cursednesse, iwys,
7148 That in that book writen is.
7149 Now wote I not, ne I can not see
7150 What maner eende that there shal be
7151 Of al this that they hyde;
7152 But yit algate they shal Abide
7153 Til that they may it bet defende;
7154 This trowe I best, wole be hr ende.
7155 'Thus antecrist abiden we,
7156 ffor we ben alle of his meyne;
7157 And what man that wole not be so,
7158 Right soone he shal his lyf forgo.
7013 Outward, lambren semen we,
7014 ffull of goodnesse and of pitee,
7015 And inward we, withouten fable,
7016 Ben gredy wolves ravysable.
7017 We enviroune bothe londe and se;
7018 With all the world werrien we;