The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 107 rectoBackBACKBackF106v Folio 106 verso   Folio 107 verso F107v

5413   And if thee thynke it is doutable,
5414   It is thurgh argument provable.
5415   ffor the debonaire and softe
5416   ffalsith and bigilith ofte;
5417   ffor lyche a moder she can cherishe
5418   And mylken as doth a norys;
5419   And of hir goode to hym deles,
5420   And yeveth hym parte of her Ioweles,
5421   With grete richesse and dignite;
5422   And hem she hoteth stabilite
5423   In a state that is not stable,
5424   But chaungynge ay and variable;
5425   And fedith hym with glorie and veyne,
5426   And worldly blisse noncerteyne.
5427   Whanne she hym settith on hir whele,
5428   Thanne wene they to be right wele,
5429   And in so stable state with All,
5430   That never they wene forto falle.
5431   And whanne they sette so high be,
5432   They wene to have in certeynte
5433   Of hertly freendis to grete noumbre,
5434   That no thyng myght her state encombre;
5435   They trust hem so on every side,
5436   Wenyng with hym they wolde Abide