The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 78 versoBackBACKBackF78r Folio 78 recto   Folio 79 recto F79r

4051   And chased awey, with gret manace,
4052   Bialacoil oute of this place,
4053   And swereth shortly that he shall
4054   Enclose hym in a sturdy wall;
4055   And all is for thi wikkednesse,
4056   ffor that thee faileth straungenesse.
4057   Thyne herte, I trowe, be failed All;
4058   Thou shalt repente in speciall,
4059   If Ielousie the sooth knowe;
4060   Thou shalt forthenke, and sore rewe.'
4061   With that the cherl his clubbe gan shake,
4062   ffrounyng his eyen gan to make,
4063   And hidous chere; a man in rage,
4064   ffor ire he brente in his visage.
4065   Whanne that herd hym blamed soo,
4066   He seide, 'Oute of my witte I goo;
4067   To be discomfyt I have gret wronge.
4068   Certis, I have now lyved to longe,
4069   Sith I may not this closer kepe;
4070   All quykke I wolde be dolven deepe,
4071   If ony man shal more repeire
4072   Into this gardyne, for foule or faire.
4073   Myne herte for ire goth a fere,
4074   That I lete ony entre heere.