The Romaunt of the Rose
Folio 72 rectoBackBACKBackF71v Folio 71 verso   Folio 72 verso F72v

3739   Ther is no lady so hawteyne,
3740   Duchesse, ne countesse, ne chasteleyne,
3741   That I nolde holde hir ungoodly
3742   fforto refuse hym outterly.
3743   His breth is also good and swete,
3744   And eke his lippis rody, and mete
3745   Oonly to pleyne, and to kisse.
3746   Graunte hym a kis, of gentilnysse!
3747   His teth arn also white and clene;
3748   Me thenkith wrong, withouten wene,
3749   If ye now worne hym, trustith me,
3750   To graunte that a kis have he;
3751   The lasse ye helpe hym that ye haste,
3752   The more tyme shul ye waste.
3753   Whanne the flawme of the verry bronde,
3754   That venus brought in hir right honde,
3755   Hadde Bialacoil with hete smete,
3756   Anoon he bade me, withouten lette,
3757   Grauntede to me the rose kisse.
3758   Thanne of my peyne I gan to lysse,
3759   And to the rose anoon wente I,
3760   And kisside it full feithfully.
3761   Thar no man aske if I was blithe,
3762   Whanne the savour soft and lythe