The Romaunt of the Rose
MissingBackMissing Missing   Folio 71 recto F71r
This image taken from the Thynne printed edition


3667   He sayde, 'Frend, so god me spede,
3668   Of Chastite I have suche drede,
3669   Thou shuldest not warned be for me,
3670   But I dar not, for Chastite.
3671   Agayn hir dar I not misdo,
3672   For alwey biddeth she me so
3673   To yeve no lover leve to kisse;
3674   For who therto may winnen, y-wis,
3675   He of the surplus of the pray
3676   May live in hope to get som day.
3677   For who so kissing may Attayne,
3678   Of loves peyne hath, soth to sayne,
3679   The beste and most Avenaunt,
3680   And ernest of the remenaunt.'
3681   Of his answere I syghed sore;
3682   I durst assaye him tho no more,
3683   I had such drede to greve him Ay.
3684   A man shulde not to muche Assaye
3685   To chafe his frend out of mesure,
3686   Nor put his lyf in Aventure;
3687   For no man at the firste stroke
3688   Ne may nat felle doun an oke;
3689   Nor of the reisins have the wyne,
3690   Til grapes rype and wel Afyne